Page name: X-Men Hall 1st [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-07 03:32:52
Last author: twitchboy
Owner: Veltzeh
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Upon entering the mansion from the X-Men Grounds, the first floor of the building extends on either side of a stately mahogany staircase that leads to the X-Men Hall 2nd. To the left side of the handsomely appointed foyer, students may venture toward X-Men Xavier's Office, the X-Men Library or the elevators that grant access to the basement-level X-Men Hall Complex, the 2nd floor and the X-Men Hall Center 3rd. In addition to the elevators, one can take the X-Men Complex Staircase to reach the basement level. To the right of the staircase, one can access the X-Men Kitchen, X-Men Gym and the X-Men Garage. From the imported carpets on the hardwood floors to the variety of artwork hanging on the austere walls, the first floor of the mansion speaks of pristinely-kept good taste.

X-Men Time

Friday, November 18th

Nathan stepped back inside from the cold and windy outside. His body let off a quick shiver before readjusting to the inside temperatures. With no one else around, he headed back upstairs to X-Men Hall 2nd, heading for the lounge.

Only a few moments after, Endelyn walked out of the library with her hands shoved into her pockets. Noticing the water on the floor, she looked at it with a slight curiosity. She thought it might have been Addy, so she immediately followed the trail upstais to X-men Hall 2nd, taking the steps two at a time in her rush.

Light came out of the elevator and, stopping just in front of X-Men Kitchen to listen for voices, she stepped inside after hearing no one.

Marcus came down the stairwell from the 2nd floor, and turned to the X-Men Complex Staircase, heading for the danger room, where he could safely expel the excess blood that he had stored.

Stepping off the lift Flame headed into X-Men Kitchen.

Korvka descended the stair from the second floor with her hand resting lightly along the wooden railing until she alighted on the main floor and stepped away. Tucked between her arm and the sloping curve of her hip was the black leatherbound book that had served as her shadow for the past two weeks – she was rarely to be seen without it, and rarer still for her mind to be off it. The sternness on her face could easily be mistaken as unhappiness but she was working on cultivating boredom instead. Boredom was far superior to the feelings of disappointment and shame that she wore like a mantle about her shoulders, wondering when exactly she was going to fly away from the feelings that didn't seem to want to be introduced to paper any more than to the fresh air. If she couldn't say everything she'd meant to say then there was no point in continuing her project at all. It would say nothing, hold no musical integrity... she'd be a failure at the one thing she was supposed to excel at the most. Reflexively gripping the music as a loud CRACK of thunder slapped across the dark sky, Korvka remembered what she'd read from the book she checked out from the library: retraining depressive thoughts was going to take time and constant vigilance. So, instead of following her brooding tendency all the way to the black hole that wait at the end of her tunnel, the Russian stopped and considered the possibilities. She could call Valerie, someone she'd taken a keen shining to, but realized that she didn't have anything new to share with her and was completely without reason to contact her in the first place. Ignoring the slight fall in the pit of her stomach as she decided against seeking out the cheery blonde, Korvka looked at each of the doors the hallway presented her, feeling as if she knew exactly what was on the other side of each. The
library offered silent solitude, Xavier was typing or filing behind his desk, students were eating lunch in the kitchen, and someone was probably using the gym equipment. Looking down to her music, Korvka suddenly turned around and started back up the stairs, having made a snap decision to work up a bit of a sweat before she had a chance to spend too much time brooding over the movement that simply didn't want to be written. With more determination in her stride, Korvka ascended back up the stairs and into X-Men Hall 2nd.

Emerging from the lift in clothes that were much more attuned to exercise than what she had been wearing moments ago, Korvka wasted no time walking from the lift to the large doors to X-Men Gym, pulling them open and then slipping inside.

Whistle as she left the kitchen Flame stepped into X-Men Gym a minute or so after Korvka had.

The large door of the 1st Hall creaked open as a small blonde stepped inside, her bag rolling at her side. Elianna closed the door softly behind her and looked around, unsure of what to do. She ran a hand of the braid, making sure it was still neat. After assuring herself her hair was presentable she tugged her khaki skirt into place and she smoothed out her pink sweater. She looked like a little rich girl as she stood there with her bleach blonde hair and her big eyes. She studied the hall, looking for someone to tell her where The Professors office was.

As the elevator arrived at the first floor and it's doors opened, Daniela stepped out of it, completely oblivious to Elianna standing in the middle of the foyer. The girl's blue eyes looked a bit tired and scared, and her pitch black hair was messy and wild from taking off her shirt in a hurry. Emotionally worn out, the girl simply took a step to the right, leaning back on one of columns which flanked the elevator and closed her eyes as she looked up. With a long sigh of relief, Daniela slowly slid down the column, the cold marble pushing up the back of her tank top a bit and giving her a chill as it touched her lower back. Finally, the girl ended up sitting down on the floor with her back leaning against the column, her head tossed back and her eyes closed. "Can't even have just a normal conversation with people can I?" she said to herself, almost in a mocking tone.

After a moment the elevator doors opened once again as Justin stepped out and scanned the foyer hoping it would be populated. At first glance he only saw a new blonde girl whom he hadn't seen before, but then his eye caught the briefest blur of white tank top on the floor next to the elevator. He stepped to the side and leaned back, only a foot or so away from Daniela. "So whose the new girl?" He asked not really sure what to begin the conversation with and starting with the most obvious for the time being.

The elevator doors opened again and Mihir stepped out, going straight to X-men Xavier's Office and going in without knocking.

Shortly after Mihir stepped out from the elevator, Nathan did the same, heading straight for X-men Xavier's Office, and sliding in.

Suddenly the door to the kitchen swung open and out stormed Light in only sweatpants and a bra, her hair dripping with water. She didn't feel like waiting for the elevator and risking conversation with any of the other students, so she simply walked past Justin and Daniela and stomped up the stairs to X-Men Hall 2nd.

Just as she was about to give up hope, Elianna looked up to see a small girl enter the hall looking tired and drained. She watched quietly as she sunk to the floor and talked out loud to herself. Ellie wanted to talk to her, but the girl it seemed really didn't want to be bothered right now. A boy entered after the small girl and he stood near her. She raised a eye brow as the boy asked who she was and went to go over to them but stopped short as two boys, one right after the other marched across the hall with a set determination. Thinking that was all Ellie went over to them just as Light stormed through. The girl looked agitated and unhappy as she hoofed up the stairs in a angry manner. Elianna, hoping that was it for right now turned to the two. "Hi, I'm Elianna. I'"

Daniela had been sitting on the floor for merely a few seconds when Justin walked in, and he startled her with his sudden question. Noticing the position she was in, she jumped a bit and looked up, her eyes wide as plates for a split second. "Oh!" she let out in a small yelp, "Justin, is it?" she then asked, letting out a sigh and trying to sit in a slightly more dignified way, pulling her tank top down a bit, since her lower back was showing. "Uhm? what new girl?" asked the raven haired girl, not noticing Elianna or even the people running past the hall as she spoke. Her question would be answered rather promptly, however, as Elianna came up to her. Completely missing Light running upstairs in nothing but a bra and sweat pants, Daniela tried to stand up as Elianna spoke to her and Justin. "Ohu, uhm.. hi, I'm Daniela, this is... uhm.. Justin. Nice to meet you." she replied with a small smile and a nod, thinking she was meeting a LOT of new people today, and missing Shana, Vlad or even Valerie.

Shana, dressed in a sports bra and workout shorts and looking somewhat sweaty, came form the gym, a hand over her abdomen and an almost pained expression covering her face. She spotted her roommate on the floor in conversation with two students, one of whom looked like she'd just arrived, and simply gave her a tiny wave and a forced smile before she stepped into X-Men Xavier's Office.

After Shana trod through the first floor hall and disappeared into the Professor's office, Valerie appeared from the complex staircase, stepping lightly over the threshold and into the first hall, clad in a manner that would suggest she'd just been working out or the like in the lower levels of the mansion. Turning her attention from the boy following behind her and out toward the foyer, it didn't take but a second for her to notice the trio of students grouped by the elevator. Daniela, to whom she smiled firstly, was only only one in the group that Val knew; she'd seen Justin here and there around the premises but was otherwise unacquainted with him, and Elianna, well, she didn't look at all familiar. Judging by the presence of rolling luggage, Valerie assumed that she was, perhaps, a new arrival. Despite Daniela's presence and Shana's lack thereof, Val didn't really consider that maybe the black-haired girl might be in need of relief or rescue. 'So, the first floor kitchen's over there,' she indicated with a pointed finger, '...and the other one is in one of the coed wings up on the third floor,' she instead explained the Marcus.

Marcus slid in behind Valerie, listening to her description of where the kitchens were, "Sounds good to me," He said, smiling to the girl, "So, shall we get something to eat now?" He laughed gently to the girl.

He hadn't ment to startle her so Justin simply nodded confirming Daniela's assumption. "I just had a question or two to ask you is all." he managed to get in before Elianna walked up. Daniela was the first to introduce him before he could open his mouth. He gave a warm smile at the new girl, "Hey, are you lost? It can be a bit overwhelming here." He replied as his eyes followed he girl in the sports bra cross the hall, catching his attention for obvious reasons.

"Nice to meet you too Daniela. And Justin." Elianna gave the both a nod. She saw another girl walk through after Daniela introduced them. The girl gave Daniela a wave so she guessed they knew one another. Another girl came in, a guy hot on her trail as she pointed out things to him. She turned back to the two in front of her when Justin spoke. "Oh Yes. The Professors office Please?" She asked him politely.

As if suddenly conscious of the fact that she was holding-up their progress, Valerie piped-up, 'Yes! Yes, yes...' She took one more moment to take a very brief glance around the area of the first hall, shot a quick smile back to Marcus, then held out her hand holding the water bottle, wordlessly trying to indicate right this way before pivoting on the balls of her sneakered feet to head toward X-Men Kitchen.

Marcus smiled and slid in to X-Men Kitchen.

Justin nodded understandably, having to be directed to Xavier's office himself on his first day. He pointed at the door the girl in the sports bra had entered, "Did you see where that one girl went? That's his office but you might have to wait till she leaves to talk to him."

"The hall is kind of crazy today, uh?" asked Daniela standing up after the parade of people going through, some of which she waved back to with a small smile. As Elianna asked her question, Daniela was going to answer, believing Justin was distracted, with all his attention focused on Shana's sporty getup. However, the boy beat her to the answer and Daniela instead asked, "Why do you need to go talk to the professor?"

The door to Xavier's office opened and Mihir was the first out. He looked focused as he skirted around the hall, avoiding direct eye contact with anyone until he reached the door that led to the X-men Garage.

Elianna watched Valerie and Marcus leave, her attention drawn back to Justin as she pointed to where the office was. "Oh, Thank you very much." She smiled slightly at him appreciatively. "Oh. I am new, so.. I do not have a dorm or anything yet.. isn't.. he who I should talk to?" She asked softly, wondering if she was in the wrong.

"Well, he is..." began to say Daniela but then noticed the girl seemed tired and confused, much like she'd been the first day she had arrived in the mansion. "But... you don't HAVE to, if you have a room assigned, I bet it's written on the door." she added, crossing her arms and shifting her weight over to her left leg as her head tilted a bit. "If you'd like, we can help you find it so you can drop your stuff off, and then either me or..." she said with a small smile while she tried to remember the boy's name, all the while thinking about how uncharacteristic this friendliness was coming from her. "uhm.. Justin. Me or Justin can give you a tour of the mansion."

Daniela's somewhat off put atmosphere was noted by Justin as his mind came back to their little circle. This seems like its going to be a little more complicated than i planned. "I mean its a big place but from the second floor up its mostly dorms, and from here down its classes and labs and offices and such." Justin tried to explain in the most nondetailed and rough terms he could, hoping he wouldn't be asked to play tour guide today.

Shana came out of Xavier's office not long after Mihir, looking rather excited about something. Spotting Daniela still in the hall, she called out to her, "Hey, Dani, got some stuff to take care of tonight. I might be out late, so don't wait up for me!" With a wave, the girl darted across the hall and out to X-Men Garage.

Following Shana out of the office, Nathan came across the grouping in the hall, and saw Justin and Daniela standing there. "Hey, the Professor just asked me to go do sometime for him real quick. Will one of you to go down and look after Lucas for me?" He didn't give time to explain, nor the other two to ask questions as he scuttled off to X-Men Garage.

"Well... I meant we'd give her an actual tour, Justin." said Daniela being surprisingly playful and nudging the boy's side with her elbow. Immediately, though, she felt embarrassed about the fact and went a bit red, taking a half step away from the boy just as Shana walked by, followed by Nathan, whom she'd just seen downstairs with Lucas. "Uhm.. ok guys, byee! Be careful!" she replied, looking a bit like a deer on headlights before turning to Elianna. "Like.. actually show you around the mansion, if you'd like, you'd have to go downstairs with us to check on Lucas at some point..." she added with a small look at Justin, as if looking for his approval on that. "That way you don't have to go talk to the professor or carry your luggage around with you, if you're interested, that is."

Getting only confused by Justin's 'advice', Elianna tried to sort out what he said in her mind. The girl in the gym outfit came back out of the Office and called out to the smaller girl in front of Ellie. She went into the door the other boy went into before, yet another boy followed her and asked them to do something. Ellie wondered who Lucas was as the boy went through that door. Ellie also wondered what was behind the door and was pondering such as Daniela spoke. "That would be great, If you wouldn't mind. I don't want to be a bother.." She said softly.

"Uhm.. well I don't mind at all, but maybe I can give you the tour and Justin can go check on Lucas instead?" asked Daniela, once more turning her big blue eyes towards the boy to check on him. If anything, Dani was an observer. She had always been very wary about people, always felt threatened by new ones and always very careful about not wanting to say the wrong thing at the right time. This meant she usually took a long time to say anything and when she did, she wouldn't exactly be brimming with confidence. But on the plus side, she had learned how to analyze others and figure out what was going on inside their heads, and even though she didn't know Justin, there seemed to be something bothering him. For a bit, she wondered if she should bring it up or say anything, normally she could ask Vlad or Shana to do something, but they weren't around right now. Instead, Daniela crossed her arms and took a deep breath, it had not taken her long to figure out what Vlad or Shana would do in her stead, they would approach the issue directly and try to solve it. "Hey.. uhm.. Justin, everything ok? seems like you've got something on your mind." she blurted out, going rather red immediately afterwards, but standing her ground.

There were a few loud bangs at the door, suddenly, and the door swung open slowly in response, revealing a boy standing at the door in the rain.

Vlad exited the kitchen for what seemed like the first time all day, stretching his arms over his head with a loud "GRRRRRAH!" He whipped his head from one side to the other, a series of loud cracks sounding at the movement. Then, for good measure, he grabbed his shoulder and rolled it around the socket a few times as he lumbered down the hall wondering where to find any of the people he was dyng to speak to the most when he saw the congregation of students further down the way. His face immediately cracked into a smile when he saw Daniela, a smile that he turned to Elianna and then to Justin, a face he remembered seeing around but hadn't encountered much. "Hey guys..." his voice stopped suddenly as loud bangs resounded through the hall, his shoulders pinching tightly in-between the blades but otherwise remaining perfectly calm. He was just on edge. As the door swung slowly open, revealing only the hazy figure of what looked to be a rain-soaked student, Vlad laughed at his own dramatic response and stepped forward to get a better look at the newcomer, thusly placing himself in front of the others. "Are you lost or looking for something?" he asked, continuing forward to see if the student had luggage he needed help with and that was the reason for his loitering.

The newcomer hastily stepped inside and took his shoes off and tossed off his coat.
"I'm looking for someplace dry, and a bed. Not necessarily in that order." Deacon said wearily. He looked up at the enormous, broud faced kid who answered the door and immediately hated him just for smiling. "So where's all that?" 

Lire was suddenly at attention as she skipped the last few steps and came to a stop. She glanced around at everyone and her hand clenched on the bag of treats as she looked past Vlad and at the new guy. She frowned irritatingly when she finally noticed just how hard it was storming outside and sighed, she hated the cold and wet, but her dislike lasted for only a moment before curiousity got the better of her and she studied the stranger closer. 

"Hmm? Oh yeah that will work." Justin took Daniela's suggestion. I guess i could talk to Lucas or that other girl. His eyes snapped back to the two in front of him and attempted a half smile. "Im fine, ill just go see how Lucas is doing. He gave a slight wave to Vlad as the big guy said hi. He was about to step back into the elevator when the loud bangs somewhat startled him stopping him in his tracks. Another new kid?

Smiling, Elliana nodded to Daniela. She jumped slightly as the door banged open and another new student stood there, Ellie's hair had just started drying from the rain that was being let in. A large man walked into the hall and confronted the new student, after saying hello to them. The two talked as yet another girl came down the stairs. Gosh, So many people.. Ellie thought as she bite her lip. Justin agreed with Daniela and Ellie smiled nervously.

Daniela smiled back at Vlad as the boy suddenly walked into the hall, thinking stuff would be much easier with him around to help out, but her smile soon faded as Vlad moved away and opened the door for a guy who looked positively ghastly. The girl was trying to be more open and adventurous, talking to Justin, Lucas and now Elliana, but she couldn't help giving this new kid a distrustful glance before being snapped back to the conversation at hand by Justin. "Uhm.. ok then!" she replied, trying her best to smile again, at least a bit, as she got back into her previous train of thought. "You go check on Lucas, he ought to be ok now, and I'll go with Elliana." she added, turning to the other girl now. "Need any help with your bags? we ought to take the stairs so I can show you the mansion." continued the raven haired girl, moving her bangs out of her blue eyes before pointing at the staircase, rather close to where Lire was standing.

Lire glanced towards Daniela when she heard Lucas's name, and took a small, hesitant step forward. "Wait... what happened to Lucas?" She asked hesitantly as she glanced between the people standing in front of her. She took a deep breath and waited for their response; her mind already spinning the words and imagining something far worse then what had happened.

The newcomer's rain-soaked form paired with his morose reply gave Vlad the instant impression that he was not a social fellow. The Russian's grey eyes swept over the slim boy like a mother hen checking a new chick, noticing, strangely, the delicate circumference of his wrists for some odd reason. But, Vlad wasn't the type of fellow to judge a man based on how he felt after a long day of stormy travel, so he stepped to the side, ushering Deacon into the first hall with a jerk of his head. "All off that is inside," he answered matter-of-factly, completely unfazed by the new student's tangible distaste for either the surroundings, situation, or company - or some combination of all. With the doorway now clear so that Deacon could enter, Vlad's attention immediately split and saw Daniela coordinating plans to take the new blonde girl for a tour with Justin. In a way that he remembered from when he and his siblings were rather young, a bit of pride swelled in his chest as he watched Daniela continually creep further and further from her protective shields. A soft smile overtook him, one that he didn't let linger for too long lest Dani see it and wonder what strange thoughts he was having. Spotting Lire shortly before she voiced her question took all of the gusto he'd had for introducing himself to the timid looking Elianna, who seemed also in need of a bit of platonic attention. "Lucas...?" he asked, listening to the concern in her voice as she questioned a statement that he apparently missed. "Somevon else got hurt?" he asked, his voice rising just enough so that everyone would hear him over whatever else they were doing. His jaw instantly tightened, giving his jovial face a grave look indeed as he waited for some kind of explanation as to why students were dropping like flies. Flame, he needed to get to Flame and Shade or Shana...

Ill have to put the new kid on my interview list. Showing up out of nowhere is more than a little odd. Justin noted to himself. He resumed to taking his place in the elevator as Daniela took off with Eilliana in tow. Before the doors closed he stuck his foot out to stop them so he could answer Lire's question. "He had an accident and ended up with a wound on his head. I'm heading down there now to check on him if you want to come."

They were all staring at him. It took a few minutes for the thought to occur that the kids around him were all different, and probably, just like him, scarred deep, one way or another. Speaking of scars, Deacon's hurt like hell. For some reason cold weather, especially damp cold weather, made the scars on his face and hands hurt like ice hurt when you held it too long. Of course, he could rest assured in the warm, orangey glow of the incandescent lightbulbs in the hall; his face looked as normal as one could look in the throes of dope-sickness. Still, were he to pass under something a little whiter and brighter, like an unshaded flourescent or, worse, a phosphorus bulb, his face would light up, all the scars becoming bright, almost glowing tracks like roads on a GPS map. Then they'd really stare. But they were mutants too, right? But... they probably weren't thieves, or burglers, or armed robbers, or homeless junkies. So he was still different. He followed the battle tank masquerading as a Russian kid, a tank that had not offered his name, through the hallway. Deacon was too weary to take in details, watch faces, or listen to snippets of conversation. That would come later. The Russian seemed preoccupied with the other students around him, and didn't seem to notice that Deacon had left his shoes and bag and coat in the foyer. It was a mansion, surely the butler would come after his stuff. He just wanted a bed. A shower would be nice but the heat would kick his ass as hard as the cold, as much as his body hurt.

When Lire and Vlad asked about Lucas, Daniela opened her mouth to reply but Justin intervened first. The girl, almost unknowingly, let out a noticeable sigh of relief when Justin didn't mention exactly how Lucas had hurt himself, but then again, the boy probably didn't even know that in the first place. Things were getting rather complicated and strange, they had two new students in, standing in the foyer, bags and all, and all the teachers seemed to be out for the afternoon, so it was up to them to run things. What's more, one of the new mutants seemed to have a rather sour disposition. For a second, Daniela, tried to just carry on, helping Elianna with her bags (which proved a bit too heavy for the small black haired girl to carry easily) before stopping and turning to Vlad, almost instinctively, to see if he knew how to proceed. "Uhm... do you guys have your room assignments, by the way?" she asked the girl next to her but obviously meant as a question for the new kid as well, her voice was back to its shy, tiny self, but was still audible. Her face was going a bit red and she purposefully avoided looking at Deacon, there was something rather aggressive about the boy that made her feel out of place, as she added. "You should have gotten them in the letters inviting you guys here... I mean.. uhm.. we could take you to your rooms, right?" she added, her big blue eyes turning away from the wall she'd been intently staring at and towards Vlad once more.

Standing there a bit dazed, Elianna watched as a large boy walked up. "What? Hurt?" She snapped back as they said hurt. Hurt? Geez. Is this school safe or what? Torn back out of her thoughts, Daniela asked for her room number. "Oh. Yes." She pulled a neatly folded piece of paper out of her back pocket and unfolded it. "Ah, I seem to be 392." She read from the paper, her gaze flicking up to the two obviously older students here, Daniela and Vlad.

The mansion had certainly gotten boisterous in a hurry. The kitchen had been less trafficked than usual today and it seemed Vlad had strode right into a situation that needed a level of commandeering. He nodded once to Justin as he reported that he was on his way to find out what all had happened to Lucas and then looked over to Daniela, who was gazing up at him with her big, blue eyes in a way he could imagine her doing since she was very young. "Good call," he said off-handedly as she asked for their room assignments, leaving the massive black-haired man to glance around and see what all needed to be taken upstairs now that he realized Daniela was much to small to act as a pack mule. "I'll take them upstairs," he concluded with finality, uprooting himself from his spot to walk over to Deacon's luggage and then stooping to pick up his shoes and then his coat, draping the wet material over his arm to keep it away from the bag. He walked back towards the elevator, a vibration rumbling in the floorboards beneath the lush carpet as the weighty man took his steps. "392?" he asked skeptically, figuring he'd heard her wrong or that she'd read it wrong. "That's my sister's room, that can't be right..." he said, adjusting himself a titch closer so that he could look down and read the letter that Elianna was holding, still crisp in her small fingers. Sure enough, printed there in official Times New Roman were the numbers 392. A pair of black brows rose on his forehead as he wondered how that was going to pan out. "All right then, ver are your bags?" he asked, and then he looked up suddenly, pinning Daniela in his grey gaze. "Dani, vood you please go to the infirmary? It can be fast, I just vont to know vot happened."

"Yes, I want to go." Lire answered Justin, and shifted her bag of treats enough to make them more comfortable to carry. She hung back a little, enough to show that she wasn't completely comfortable around all the people as she waited on Justin and watched the events, studying both of the new students intently and looking for any signs of danger before she dismissed them as a threat and her gaze turned into a friendlier look of curiousity.

Everyone's speech was gibberish to Deacon, all talking about stuff that didn't concern him. He stood patiently in his damp socks, dreaming of a warm bed and thick blankets. He found the girl with dark skin and short hair ogling him even more than the other students, and it bothered him.
"Can I help you?" he grumbled at Lire. he tried to glare at her but when he noticed her eyes his face twitched a little and he looked down some.

Justin waited for Lire to make it inside of the elevator before he moved his foot. He stood farthest to the panel as he could, social conditioning taking its toll. The doors slid shut and decended to X-men Hall Complex.

"Oh, ok." said simply Daniela with a small smile and a sigh of relief as Vlad pretty much took over the entire situation, when the large Russian man asked her to go check on Lucas though, the raven haired girl went a bit red and went looked away, positively shifty eyed for a bit and pathetically trying to avoid arising any suspicions. "Uhm.. I know what happened." she let out in a strangely high pitched voice. "It was nothing major, really, he's ok, he just had a bump on his head." she added, avoiding Vlad's eyes and fidgeting with her fingers, nervous about downplaying everything, but not wanting to admit she'd given another student a concussion in front of half the mansion. "Seriously, who gets knocked over by a 90 pound girl..." she added under her breath, probably too low for anyone to hear, forgetting herself for a second. "Uhm.. I mean.. I'm hungry, haven't eaten anything, I'll go check on him in a bit, but i'm gonna go grab a bite first." continued the raven haired girl, noticing something seemed to be brewing between Lire and Deacon and that would probably distract Vlad while Dani made her escape in a beeline towards the X-Men Library even though she said she was going to the kitchen.

"What?" Elianna asked, slightly confused. The large boy had said it was his sisters. She was going to have a dorm mate? Eli had not thought about this. She started to become a bit uncomfortable. She bit her lip as she shifted her feet, worried. Suddenly, Vlad's free hand disappeared. Missing Daniela's exit Eli gasped. "Oh No! I'm so sorry!" She apologized quickly.

As Lire and Justin left for the infirmary, leaving Daniela behind, Vlad looked down curiously at the small girl, catching her right in them middle of her shrill admission. With his hands full of coats, bags, and shoes he had no physical comfort to offer the girl, but he did stoop down to one knee in order to talk to her more privately. "Vot happened...?" shortly after though, Daniela made her cryptic comment and Vlad's eyebrows narrowed. "Did your powers get the best off you?" he asked in a low voice so that no one else would hear, reading the guilty look on her face as the truth. As she quickly darted off, Vlad stood, sighing as he watched her disappear into the first door that could offer her solace. He stood before the shut elevator doors, looking hard at the door to the library as he postulated. He remembered her initial reaction to him - the flaring shield by the center hall elevator - and thought perhaps something similar had happened. Lucas was new, maybe he caught her by surprise? Sighing again, Vlad was brought back to the present moment when he remembered that Deacon and Elianna were still in the hall waiting for him to lead them to their rooms. "All right, then," he began, turning towards the elevator to push the button with a single extended finger. But his finger was not there. In fact, his hand was entirely missing. <"Shit!"> he exclaimed in his mother tongue, shaking his hand for a moment to try and see if it was somehow severed or still full of nerve endings. He looked over to a guilt-ridden Elianna and heard her apology. Lifting his invisible hand and waggling his fingers, Vlad put on an amused face, grinning lopsidedly. "You do that?" he asked.

Biting her lip worriedly, Elianna was anxiously waiting for Vlad's reaction. She wasn't sure what he would do. Every always reacted differently. Her brother, when she made his head invisible, thought it was awesome, her mother when her upper arm went missing, not so much. She watched as he freaked out momentarily, saying something angrily in a language she didn't understand. Once he figured out it was only invisible he looked like he found it funny, she relaxed in relief that he wasn't going to yell at her. She nodded when he asked if she had done this. "Sorry, I can not really control it. It will come back... Soon. I hope." She winced a bit, she hadn't figured out how to get them back yet. Her dog was invisible for a good portion of a month.

There was far to much standing and talking going on for Deacon's taste. He felt the impulse to get angry, but the sudden clenching of his muscles made his stomach do a backflip. He was absently aware that apparently Vlad was talking about his hand being invisible, but that wasn't really registering to him. He became aware that he was swaying and his knees were getting wobbly, and the will to not throw up became paramount in his mind.
"Change of plans... Bathroom... Need bathroom now... Right now..." his eyes fluttered and he doubled over, breathing heavily.

"That's a good trick," Vlad commented airily, as if he had no idea that she'd done it on accident and wasn't just playing a whimsical trick on him. Of course, he knew, but it was better to pretend otherwise to diffuse what Elianna obviously thought was a sticky situation. "Invisible?" he asked as the lift doors opened and he stepped into the steel box. The cables groaned under his weight and the elevator sunk a good 6 inches before settling as the grinding stretch of metal on metal echoed above. Vlad, however, was not at all bothered by the lift's wails of protest, having grown accustomed to their incredible resilience despite his bulk. "Don't vorry, it's safe, I promise," he assured the timid blonde, Midwestern-looking girl in case she had any second thoughts about riding the elevator now that she knew her escort weighed as much as a rhinoceros. "Come on uhhh..." Vlad floundered for Deacon's name, wondering if he'd gotten it and he looked out of the lift to see the slim teenager looking much worse for wear. Looking confusedly at the sudden change in Deacon (and wondering what it was about today that made people want to vomit), Vlad waved his arm, ending with what looked to be a severed hand, for Deacon to hurriedly join them in the elevator. "Bathrooms are upstairs, you can make it," he encouraged, hoping his last sentiment was indeed correct. He pushed the button to take them to X-Men Hall Center 3rd and waved Elianna in too. "All right, in you go."

Elianna nodded and softly said, "Thanks. And yeah. Invisible." She was hesitant to step onto the elevator when she heard it groan, but with Vlad's reinsurance she stepped in and stood next to the man. The other boy looked as if he was sick. "Are you alright?" She asked, worriedly. She looked from Vlad to Deacon as Vlad, calmly, waved Deacon in. She stepped back to make room.

Alas, Vlad had reflexively pushed the 'Up' button upon entry and right as Elianna moved back to make room for Deacon, the double doors met in the middle and shut the sickly teenaged from sight. Elianna and Vlad then began the ascent to X-Men Hall Center 3rd, the latter's arm's full of accidentally hijacked luggage.

Jonas came down the stairs and at least knew somewhat where he was. Looking around however, he still couldn't see a main clock in sight. With a sigh, he walked aimlessly, heading towards the X-men Library.

The moment Valerie was out of the kicthen, the girl had her eyes glued to the phone in her hands. So engrossed in whatever she was alternately typing away with her thumbs and reading, the girl did not take notice to anyone else's presence in the main hallway as she made a beeline toward the ornate staircase that lead to X-Men Hall 2nd, her sneakered feet gently padding on the steps as she disappeared upward.

The gym doors opened and then shut with Korvka on the other side of them, looking much less stressed than she had when she'd first gone in. All in all she was pleased with her mental progress and decided that a day spent with Flame was exactly what the doctor ordered, especially if Valerie could come too. There was something so cheery and perfectly juxtaposed to Korvka's personality that made Valerie somewhat of a commodity to the typically dour girl. Holding onto both ends of the white towel that draped over the back of her neck, Korvka walked to the stairs and climbed them into X-Men Hall 2nd.

Tempted to take the lift to the third floor after she exited the gym, Flame instead stopped herself, deciding a jog up the stairs could act as a cool down for her muscles. Closing the water bottle she was drinking from, she made her way quickly up the stairs to X-Men Hall 2nd.

Blue smoke appeared, and Addy materialized near the ceiling, dropping to land in a crouch on the floor, her hands keeping her face from planting as her torso dropped as if to create the smallest possible target. The blue girl looked far too feral to be in such a place, and she lifted her eyes to look around for anyone. Addy sat up with her spine only, tail flicking in the air behind her.

Marcus exited from the kitchen, only to find Addy sitting there. Having never seen the girl before, his eyes widened in slight shock, seeing the very feral-looking, furry blue girl crouching in the center of the room. The boy immediately froze, waiting to see what the girl's reaction would be.

Backing up to the wall, still crouched, Addy eyed the boy with narrowed yellow eyes. Her nose wrinkled as her lips drew back into a slight hiss and the girl pressed her back against the wall, staying tightly pressed. She wished more than anything that she had her weapon. Or even that she was back in that hellish place. Things made more sense there. Now...not so much. Her emaciated stomach moved in time with her quick breathing as she assessed this newcomer.

With the girl's non-aggressive, but threatening movements, Marcus stepped back slightly, raising his hands as a suggestion of peace, to hopefully calm her. "I'm not here to hurt you..." He said lightly, trying to react to the hissing. He tried to keep a calm and steady tone, but this was much harder with his heart now taking up residence in his throat. Keeping one hand raised, Marcus knelt down, using his other hand to balance himself against the floor, getting to a point where he could look the girl in the eyes.

There was a depth of distrust in Add y's eyes that would have warned anyone not to get too close. The subtle signs were there in the tightening of her muscles, her hands clenching slightly, and her shoulders dropping a fraction. Then she launched herself at Marcus, hands groping for his shirt to hold him down so she could land feet first on his chest. If she was lucky, she could question this stranger and find out if this was another hallucinating dream or not. Addy was still not entirely convinced this was real.

With the girl firmly grabbing his shirt, Marcus stumbled back, his crouched position giving him no aid in balance as he rolled over onto his back. His eyes shot wider and his heart rate began to increase steadily as he was now pinned by the little blue girl. Unsure of her motives, he slowly slid his right hand close to his upper thigh, slowly drawing blood from his legs, through his jeans.

"Alright Azazel, what do you want this time?" Addy snarled. "Is this just another one of those horrible dreams or is this finally real? Some sort of horrid twist?" Her face relaxed out of its snarl as her hands released his shirt. "Please tell me." If it was some sort of strange dream, she could live with that. But if she lost three years where her former classmates had only been through weeks, Addy wasn't sure what she would do.

Softly humming a tuneless little song to herself as she came down the center staircase from the second floor, Valerie stopped about halfway down and daintily dropped to tie her shoelace. As she did so, Val glanced through the ornate balusters to the floor below, her brow furrowing at what she saw down there. Before she was concerned, she was confused, seeing Marcus overcome by a blue, wild-looking and tailed creature. It took a moment for the realization to hit, but, while she looked different, it was reminiscent of Addy. To Val's knowledge, however, it would be unlike the sweet young girl who'd disappeared weeks ago to go around pinning down people like a bully looking for lunch money. The girl hesitated a moment, still crouched down on the stairs, but finally stood, tentatively, as Addy spoke and released her hold on Marcus's shirt. She stepped quietly down the remaining steps, trying not to draw too much attention to herself, but wanting to get a better view before proceeding too much further.

"Azazel? Who...What? No, I'm Marcus, and this is real..." The boy stumbled on his words as he tried to sort out Addy's pleas. The blood that he had gathered hardened into a small, sanguine dagger in his hand, holding it close if he needed to use it for any reason. He was trying to talk the girl down from whatever sort of mental snap this may be.

Addy realized that either he was telling the truth or this was her grandfather in disquise within her own mind. "I could not have conjured you up, because you didn't exist before." Her hand drifted down the boy's chest and she used his ribs to steady herself as she sat back, still crouched over him but more upright now. Her yellow eyes were focused on the floor to the right as her other hand came up to so she could cover her lips in thought. She sat frozen there for a moment. "Even in my dreams no one would act like this." She seemed to come to a decision as she crawled backwards and off of Marcus.

Valerie lingered a moment at the foot of the stairs, one hand resting lightly on the top of newel post. In a mere moment it seemed as if the tension lifted, or at least that is how the girl perceived the situation, as Addy removed herself from Marcus. The familiar stranger appeared confused as Val cautiously walked a wide berth about the other two inhabitants of the first hall and furtively regarded Marcus to check if he was unharmed, aside from having been knocked to the floor. Valerie then coughed softly, as if she wanted to draw attention to herself, but didn't want it to seem like that's what she was doing.

Suddenly, with a loud creak, one of the heavy, double doors to the library opened as Daniela walked out nonchalantly, her tiny frame forcing her to push the door open with both hands. Leaving the door open behind her for Jonas, she walked out onto the 1st floor hall, intending to go straight to the elevator. She suddenly froze on her tracks, though, when she noticed the strange scene that was unfolding in the hall and into which she had blundered. "uhm.. hi?..." she said, looking quite like a small woodland creature caught in headlights.

Marcus sat up, setting his dagger down on the floor behind him, still looking very bewildered at the events that just occurred. His gaze still locked on Addy, trying to sort the girl out. His head was spinning slightly from the fall, "So, is everything alright now?" he said to Addy, trying to talk her down from attacking him, or anyone else again.

As other people came into the hall, Addy backed up to the wall again, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation. There were too many people for her to face at once and she appeared momentarily panicked. Her body seemed to constrict down into itself as she eyed first Val and then Dani. She recognized these two but then she had recognized Light too only for the girl to attack her. At the thought of Light, her friend, attacking her, the panicked look vanished with a pained growl as Addy vanished for a moment only to reappear directly in a corner of the hall away from the small group, a good seven feet in the air, clinging to a wall mounting and staring at the three students.

Jonas wasn't paying much attention as he walked out of the library. He gently bumped into Daniela and quickly took a step back and looked at her. "I'm sorry, I got distracted, are you...?" he stopped speaking when he followed her line of sight to Addy. He blinked twice as he stared at the girl. "...she's blue.. why is she blue?"

Already on guard, Valerie shot an immediate glance in the direction of the library door as its hinges groaned in protest, to see Daniela, followed by Jonas, emerge into the hallway. The dancer pursed her lips then her mouth opened slightly, as if she were searching for something to say, to speak of the situation that she really didn't know anything about, after her black-haired friend offered a timid greeting. 'Hi... euh...' was all she could manage at the moment. When Addy disappeared and reappeared in short order, Val looked again in the other mutant's former position and stepped tentatively toward Marcus; her blue-eyed gaze darted to a couple of different places in the first hall before she tried to locate the teleporter's new spot up above. 'Everything's okay...' she said as gently and evenly as she could muster, possibly as a statement or a question, because she wasn't so sure herself. 'You... can... come down from there,' she said next, holding her hands up and slightly in front of her midsection, hopefully as a show of good faith that she was unarmed and meant no harm.

Marcus's gaze chased around the room when Addy disappeared, He had shut out much of the rest of the world around him, keeping concentrated on the blue girl. When Val finally stepped in and approached him, he shot his gaze to her, finally understanding that she had been trying to make sure that he was alright, "Everything's fine." He spoke in a short, yet guarded manner, turning back to Addy once more, "Really, we're not here to hurt you. Come back down here and we can talk."

Daniela was completely at a loss as to what was going on in the hallway or what had happened previously upstairs, noticing Addy as she teleported up, she didn't think that blue girl was the blue girl she had known prior. She had never been close to Addy, but she thought maybe this woman with similar powers and looks was a sibling or relative. "Who's she?" she asked Valerie, looking a bit panicked, very much reflecting Addy's apparent state of mind. "Is she ok?" she asked again, since the other woman seemed to be so terrified of everything right now. "I was just taking Jonas down to the Danger Room for practice." she added while Val stepped forward. The girl simply remained back, taking a step towards Jonas and the entrance of the library, figuring if anything happened she could throw up a quick shield on both of them. She wasn't sure WHAT could happen, though, the blue woman looked positively terrified. Still, Daniela tried her best to look as harmless as possible while she stepped back from the whole scene.

She didn't want to talk. She had tried to talk to Light, and Addy had received the worst sort of surprise there. And Vlad had left her to fend for herself. But she expected nothing less in this hellish nightmare. Her friends didn't know her. She barely knew herself. With a swift movement, Addy pulled herself up and wrapped one dexterous foot and her tail around the wall mount and pressed herself flush to the wall. "No! I don't want to talk to you! You'll just try and hurt me!" Just like Light, she added in her mind. Of course, the brand new burn mark on her chest wouldn't be noticeable among the rest of the new scars, dirt, and pieces of leather cloth. 

Jonas backed up as Daniela did until his back was against the library's doors. "Are things always this wierd around here?" he asked the dark-haired girl, never taking his eyes of the blue one. "Is she a student here or something?"

Valerie remained stationary, but nodded in agreement with Marcus; she certainly didn't intend to attack anyone. When Val looked to Daniela she initially looked a little surprised that the girl was hanging out with Jonas, but the blonde just shrugged the tiniest bit and answered her question. 'She, uhm... she was... just here when I came downstairs. She's, like... a little skittish,' the blonde offered, not giving the entire truth of the situation she'd witnessed from the steps. After raking her teeth over her bottom lip, Val dropped her voice to a more conspiratorial volume, but glanced up at the frightened blue girl clinging desperately to the wall, as she replied, 'I don't know who she is. She... kinda reminds me of Addy... or Mister Wagner, but...' With that, she just shook her head a little, unsure of how to proceed, although also choosing not to approach the stranger again for the moment.

"More or less." replied Daniela with an apologetic smile, turning to Jonas as he spoke. Then, as Valerie explained the situation, the girl kept her blue eyes fixed on Addy and simply nodded slowly to indicate she understood. "I wonder..." she began to say, the girl clearly did look like Addy, but she was covered in blood and looked feral and disheveled. Now Daniela had began to put two and two together, the screams she and Jonas had heard before meant this person could be dangerous. "I could try to catch her in a shield but.. she might teleport away...." she whispered, not quite sure what to do. "There's no teleporters in the mansion, or teachers, are there?" asked the girl, feeling more frightened and self-conscious every second. "It takes one to catch one.. you know?" she continued. "Uhm.. who tried to hurt you?" she finally asked out loud, talking to Addy this time around, trying to find out what had happened, but ready to put up a shield around herself or any of the other students at a moment's notice.

They were whispering. Addy's ears strained to hear what they said, but she couldn't catch all of it. And that bothered her. What could they be whispering? Her eyes narrowed dangerously, a clawed foot tearing into the plaster of the wall as it curled against the smooth surface. They had no idea just how patient she could be. Addy had spent years perfecting what she saw as necessary skills. Patience was one of them. When Daniela asked her an actual question, Addy bared her teeth. "Light," she spat out. "I thought she was my friend." The hurt in her voice could be distinguished by the least empathetic. Her foot slid slightly down the wall, sending bits of plaster to the carpet as she kept her eyes on the group of students.

Not knowing much of what was going on, Jonas looked up at the girl, opening his big mouth. "Wouldn't it be easier if you came down here and talked to us? We're not going to attack you. I don't know who this Light person is, and I don't care what you did to piss him or her off. Come on down, we won't hurt you." he said calmly, then looked at Daniela. "Perhaps this is something we should rope Professor Xavier in for?" he suggested.

Pressing her lips together into a tight line, Valerie listened to what Daniela had to say. The blonde started to open her mouth, perhaps to give her opinion on trying to cast a shield around Addy, or to wonder aloud about any other teleporters that might inhabit the mansion. Unfortunately, she wasn't acquainted with Justin, and she hadn't seen Shade since he disappeared dramatically at the Halloween party. The crunch of claw on the pristine plaster by the ceiling drew her attention back to Addy, however. Val had a hard time thinking about Light in terms of the word 'friend', but she wasn't about to split hairs right now. Instead, she cast Jonas a glance as he attempted to ameliorate the current situation, then back to the girl on the wall. If they couldn't get a teleporter, perhaps Xavier was the next best step. There must have been more to the whole scenario than she, Daniela, Jonas and Marcus were privy to. Besides, the girl appeared a little unhinged, so who knew if anyone actually attacked her? 'Maybe she just didn't... realize that...' Val gently and innocently offered, '...who you were... Addy?', speaking the blue girl's name quite tentatively, as if she were making a hopeful guess.

Marcus carefully pushed himself up from the ground, keeping an eye on Addy the whole time. The boy was still in a bit of shock from being mercilessly tackled to the ground by a blue furred girl, but realizing that she was far more hurt than he was. Once he managed to regain his feet, Marcus looked to his jeans, realizing that he had to draw blood from under the fabric, where there was, sure enough, now a large, red wet spot on the side of his jeans from where the blood had seeped through. He sighed in mild exasperation at the stain, "Well, there goes another good pair of jeans." Looking back to Addy, he spoke softly to the girl once more, "Light's not here now, we're not going to let anyone else hurt you. Now if you'll just come down here, we can talk on a level that no one is feeling threatened and sort this out..." He looked around at the rest of the group that had stumbled in upon his unfortunate happenings, trying to get them to clear a little more room.

Daniela was not quite sure who Marcus was, but she simply nodded in accordance when he tried to talk to Addy. Jonas' suggestion seemed sensible too, they were but 30 feet away from the Professor's office, and she was sure the old man could at least calm everyone down. Slowly, the girl walked towards the office, trying to be as casual as she possibly could as she added; "Light probably didn't recognize you..." convince now the girl was Addy, regardless of how she looked, since she knew who Light was. "I mean.. how would YOU react if a blood covered stranger came at you?" asked Daniela, trying to appeal to the blue girl's reason, not being an overly mushy and reassuring person herself. When her back was to Xavier's door, the girl made a fist with her hand and knocked twice, hoping the professor would come to the door as quickly as his chair let him. "Dunno, if I was you I'd go to Light, explain who I was and demand an explanation..." continued the raven haired girl, almost as an afterthought, "... and an apology, for that matter." not even noticing she might have just thrown fuel into the fire.

With everyone trying to get her down to the floor, Addy stiffened, her foot on the wall mount pressing hard and bending the metal. Val was the only one to say something right when she said Addy's name. "You remember me," she said in relief. One hand was placed against the wall and she slid down, landing in a crouch on the floor. Her eyes looked up in apprehension at Val.

Jonas stayed in his spot near the library doors as he watched Adduce come down from her spotdarted a glance to Daniela before looking to Val, then Marcus, and then finally Addy. "I agree with Dani, I'd be demanding an apology if I were being attacked for no reason." He said, smiling slightly at the blue girl. He couldn't help but to think that if things were always like this at the mansion, he was going to have a hell of a time adjusting.

When Marcus stood, Valerie let her attention drift briefly in his direction, before nodding in agreement with what Daniela initially had to say. As her nomrmally mild-mannered friend headed fo Xavier's door but continued on about demanding an apology, however, it looked like someone pinched Val, for her expression was awash in honest surprise. Her gaze had scarcely flickered in Jonas's direction as he concurred with Dani when the blonde jerked her eyes back to Addy, who had finally come down from the wall. 'Of course,' she said, possibly just as apprehensive as Addy, as she froze momentarily to really examine the ragged state of her fellow student, 'Of course I remember you.' She opened her mouth again to comment on how the girl looked, but, remembering her tendency toward what Valerie perceived as sensitivity, she caught herself, but not before uttering a soft, brief, but incomprehensible, sound. 'We've all been... really worried about you... you were just, like, suddenly... gone...' she simply added instead.

Hearing Daniela's idea of going to demand an apology from Light, Marcus turned to her with an incredulous look of shock and confusion on his face. The girl seemed fairly sweet, even if he had only met her moments before, not the kind who would so blatantly demand an apology like that, or even suggest it, for that matter. Giving it a moment to sink in, he turned away from Dani, and back to Addy, blinking his eyes for a moment to rationalize what he had just heard, and cleared his throat. He had only been in the mansion for a short while and hardly had any idea what exactly Valerie was talking about aside from the few murmurings that he had heard, so he stood in silence, waiting for things to resolve some more. 

Daniela failed to notice Marcus' look, instead focusing on the the conversation between the girl and Valerie. It seemed the girl WAS Addy after all, but last time she'd seen her, Addy was younger than her, while the girl who was before them now was clearly older. A bit surprised there was no answer from Xavier's office, the girl took a step forward, away from the door. Figuring she'd have to check on the professor afterwards, her curiosity got the best of her first. "What happened to you?" she asked, lowering her head a bit as if she was talking to a child. "I mean.. you got... older." she continued.

When the questions and comments started, Addy quickly became overwhelmed. She hadn't been around people for three years and was out of practice with this whole talking thing. Addy leaned heavily against the wall and tried to figure out how to answer. "I was trapped in another world for three years," she finally said.

Jonas noticed Addy's actions of moving back up against the wall. He knew the feeling of being overwhelmed and kept his mouth shut. Not feeling really threatened, he sat down against the library's doors and just smiled slightly at her. He then looked up at Daniela to see what her reactions would be, also with Valerie's. He just soaked everything that was happening in like a sponge.

Valerie betrayed a glance toward Xavier's door after Daniela had knocked upon its exterior, albeit to no response. As the black-haired girl posed the pivotal question of Addy's recent whereabouts, she looked back to the overwhelmed girl with an expression of concern as it appeared they hadn't yet won her over completely. 'Alright. Well,' Valerie said, focusing a moment on the floor, as she tried to wrap her mind around the information they'd just gleaned from the blue mutant. So this whole sudden and mysterious disappearance also dealt with the time-space continuum? It made sense in a roundabout way, considering she looked more mature, but Addy appeared to be getting weary, and Val didn't want to set her off or scare her away. 'Okay, well... ' she said calmly and patiently, her head once again upright and smiling face, '...maybe we can... get you something to eat...' she paused and screwed her mouth to the side, '...aaaaaand maybe a... nice, hot shower? And we'll, uhm, get things straightened-out, huh?' Her blue-eyed gaze swept over Daniela, Jonas and Marcus, silently and hopefully looking for solidarity that that was a good suggestion, before returning her attention to Addy.

Marcus drew his lips into a content smirk and nodded, "Let's get you some food," he said, then turning from Addy to Valerie, "There's still some of Vlad's soup there for her, if she wants," motioning towards the kitchen that he had just left moments before being attacked by the blue girl. "Let's get her taken care of and settled back in."

"Well that explains it..." replied Daniela with an understanding smile and a slight tilt of her head. In reality she did not believe Addy at all, but figured it would not be wise to challenge the unstable girl's version of events. She did think that's what Addy believe had happened, though. In the end, the only one who could uncover the mystery would probably be the professor, digging into the jumbled mess that the girl's brain must have been at the time in order to find out the truth behind her mind's concoctions. "Uhm... how about... you guys." added Daniela looking slightly tense regarding the whole situation as she gleaned over at Valerie and Marcus, whom Addy seemed to trust. "...take.. uhm.. Addy to the kitchen to get something to eat.. and... uhm.. Jonas and I will go do. uh.. something?" she finally asked, looking pleadingly at Jonas for a split second, in reality, she wanted to go look for a teacher that could help them without upsetting Addy or her clone or whatever the girl was.

Food did sound good. Addy had lived off of dinosaur flesh for too long. But she wasn't quite sure how her stomach would take it. "O-okay," she nodded, sliding away from the wall. Addy stopped some distance from the group of students, neither wanting to be too close or appear scared. She would keep telling herself that she wasn't scared. She had faced worse. These students were easier to go against than the numerous creatures she dispatched. Taking a sidestep closer to the kitchen door, Adrienne realized what she was doing. She was trusting them. And that just seemed like a bad idea. Her hands clenched and she eyed them before pressing against the wall next to the door, waiting.

Jonas recognised the look on Daniela's face and gave her a reassuring nod, but didn't move from his spot on the floor. He wanted to wait until Addy wasn't so close to them, perferably if she were already in the kitchen, before he moved. She seemed on edge as it was, and Jonas didn't want to be the one to make the situation worse.

Nodding quickly and eagerly in response to Marcus's suggestion of the soup in the kitchen, but not taking her attention from Addy, Valerie maintained a hopeful expression, despite the girl's apparent reticence in regards to the current situation. 'Sounds like a perfect idea,' the blonde replied to Daniela, her voice utterly cheerful and agreeable, even though it did perplex her a little bit that Dani was so willing to trot off with Jonas to go do whatever it was they were planning on doing, though not in a bad way. 'It smelled... great', she then insisted, beaming brightly at Addy, like that alone would the clincher to gain the blue mutant's trust, '...the soup... that is...' She cleared her throat, as if aware that her insipid train of conversation was wearing thin, and suddenly strode toward the kitchen door, assuredly at first, but tapering off to a more careful gait when she noted Addy's guarded posture against the wall. Valerie paused before stepping over the threshold and glanced back at Daniela, 'Talk to you later!' she said to the black-haired girl, before smiling fleetingly at Jonas. Her expression turned slightly apologetic when she looked to Marcus, but she did hope that he tagged along, back into X-Men Kitchen.

Marcus smiled, "Yeah, why don't you join us for some soup? Should be good for you. Nice and wholesome," he said, looking to Addy, hoping to get the girl to relax from her worry and distrust a bit, "Here, follow me, and Val and I will set everything up for you." He turned, following Valerie into X-Men Kitchen.

After Marcus disappeared into the kitchen, Addy eyed the two left in the hall. She didn't trust anyone, but at least she could escape if something happened. Addy slid through the door, not turning her back on the hall until the door to the X-Men Kitchen shut.

Once they were gone, Jonas stood up and brushed off his jeans, then picked his guitar case up and slung it over his shoulder. "Well that was interesting..." he said and looked to Daniela. "Shall we go find Xavier now? I think it would be best if he knew, incase that isn't a student we're dealing with." he said. He figured things like this happened at the school a lot, so he tried to keep his composure calm.

Leaping from the staircase as his forward momentum hurdled him crashing into the foyer, Vlad landed on both feet with a thud that set the entire floor shaking. He caught the tail end of the kitchen door swinging shut but couldn't make out the final glimpse of Addy's blue tail as she disappeared between the doors. Blinking his one good eye, Vlad nodded to Jonas after he took a deep breath. "Haff you seen a big blue girl around? She'll be the von stabbing people vith a spear," he said, looking left and right as he waited for the answer. His naked chest ran with lines of sweat that cut through the blood smears that had accumulated from getting Flame to safety, his bandaged eye showing a flaking stream of blood from underneath. However, he looked back at Jonas and appeared full of life, and even impatient to know whether he had any information for him.

Just when things couldn't get any more awkward for Jonas, Vlad came up to him and started asking questions. Instead of answering them at first, he decided to crack a joke to see if it could calm the giant man. "Wow... uhm... what happened to you? You look like you got in a fight with a machete." he said. "If you mean that blue girl, yeah. She went into the kitchen to grab some food. I wouldn't mess with her though. She's showing signs of post traumatic stress disorder. From what I understand from the others, she's a student?" he said.

Endelyn came bustling down the stairwell from the second floor like a woman on a mission, but stopped when she saw Jonas, Vlad, and Daniela in the hall as well. "Oh... judging by the looks on your faces," she addressed Daniela and Jonas by looking at them, "that you've come across Adrianne as well? I apologise for my friend's behaviour. I do not know what could've caused her to age and act in such a manner." she said with a slight smile, then saw Vlad's injury and winced. "Is that as bad as it looks?" she asked with a sympathetic smile. Being there for the battle, she knew he'd gotten injured, but didn't know it was that bad. "And how is Flame faring? Is she doing better?"

"No!" came the loud screaming sob from Xavier's office.

Daniela was about to reply to Jonas when Vlad and Endelyn came crashing into the hallway (one more-so than the other), noticing the large man was covered in blood, the girl gasped and took a step forward, "A-are you ok?" he asked, believing it to be all his own blood and terrified at the idea that someone could hurt a brick wall like Vlad so badly. "You mean that Addy look-alike did this?" she asked right after Jonas replied and Endelyn walked in. Even with all the powers and abilities people had, it was a bit too much to believed she had aged years in three weeks. Turning now to Endelyn, the girl cocked her head in disbelief, "You mean you really think that's Addy? But.. isn't that... impossible.. ish?" she began to say, "I mean.. Addy was made somewhere, wasn't she? What if this new one was made like that too, only.. old-" continued the raven haired girl when she was suddenly startled by the scream coming from Xavier's office. For a second, she almost looked like she was going to jump behind Jonas for cover, grabbing onto his arm but letting go almost immediately. Embarrassed, the girl sighed before she realized where the scream had come from, "The professor!" she yelled out, her blue eyes opening wide before she rushed to the door of the old teacher's office. She tried to open it but the door seemed locked, so the girl looked back pleadingly to where Vlad was standing.

Just as Daniela turned back to Vlad, the door to the office opened and a very distraught Addy stumbled from the room, ignoring the amount of people in the hall. She hit the ground, on hands and knees, taking short, panicked breaths as tears fell from her eyes. All those years and she had refused to cry, now here she was, panicking and feeling completely lost and abandoned. Her friends, or she thought they were her friends, didn't believe her, Xavier was gone and she would most likely be the blamable target, and she just wanted to curl up in a ball and go to sleep, wake up in the past. But that would never change, and Addy pushed herself back so she was sitting on her feet after a few seconds, looking up but not at anyone's faces. Her arms wrapped around herself and she rocked back and forth like a person going crazy. "He's gone, he's gone, he's gone," Addy repeated quietly, all other thoughts leaving except that she was in a place where no one trusted her and she couldn't trust them and her only hope, the man she knew with absolute certainty she could put her faith in, was gone.

As Emily stepped into the hall the first sight she was met with was the small group of people in front of her, one of which was covered in blood and another was on her hands and knees on the ground. What is this place? she thought with wide eyes. She stepped nervously towards them making sure her hood was still firmly covering her face. "Um..i-i'm sorry to interrupt.." she stuttered as she fidgeted with the strap of her rucksack. "..but I just got here and don't know where to go.."

As per usual, entirely too much was going on around Daniela and she did not know how to process all of it. On one hand, she had been standing right next to the door when it opened, the sudden push back made the girl stumble backwards and fall sitting down on the floor, her back against Vlad's knees. In the meantime the Addy look-alike that had left with Marcus and Valerie a few seconds earlier had now come through the door that had just pushed her to the floor, looking extremely distraught, and yet another new girl had walked into the whole mess, only this one looked like she had a fish growing off the side of her face. "Wait.. what?" said Daniela looking to the two girls who had just entered the main hall, Addy and the new student, before looking directly up and Vlad and the others as if pleading for someone to explain the situation. "Let's all just calm down..." she said taking a deep breath, closing her eyes and bringing both her palms to her forehead, as if trying to fight off a headache. The girl was putting on a strong front but if anyone were to touch her, she was shaking slightly, she was, after all, terrible with blood and two people near her were covered in it. "Who is GONE?." she asked the blue girl slowly, dreading the answer already.

Ivan walked into the hall his eyes immediately seeing something seriously wrong with this current development. His mind awoke with great intensity from all the studying of medical procedures down to the simple mundane tasks that he knew of. He spoke his words carefully and quickly, "I'm a student in training to become a doctor, bring the injured ones to me so I can diagnose their current ailments based upon their injuries." Ivan then quickly noticed the ungodly amount of blood he was looking at, and ripped open his bag to bring out every piece of medical supplies he was currently carrying. "Don't hesitate, and be quick about it. Also, if there's an actual Doctor can I suggest someone go retrieve them before the situation becomes more then I can handle." Ivan's pain become diminished under his focus to help injured people. He didn't know how many were injured, and what happened, but he knew no one would die as long he breathed.

Jonas looked around at all of the things that were happening all at once. Feeling a little overwhelmed himself, he looked at Emily, then Addy, hen finally Ivan. He sat down next to Daniela and shook his head in disbelief. "I seriously give up on learnin' about this place." He muttered, his Irish accent poking out in his stress filled body. "There is too much to handle at once! And I thought livin' with my grandmother was crazy..."

Endelyn immediately ignored everyone else when she saw that Addy was crying. She knelt down next to her, but knew better than to reach out to her. She didn't want to scare the blue girl off. "Adrianne... what is happening?" She asked softly, staring with her usual kind expression. The way she was kneeling, it was almost like she was using herself to block Addy from the others, blocking her both to protect her from the others, and the others from her. "Why were you in the Professor's office? Explain it to me please."

Addy was clearly having a panic attack. Her breathing was becoming labored, tears falling freely now. "He's gone," she almost whispered. "Xavier. I wanted him to-t-to go into my head. Prove I am...But he's gone!" She dissolved into a hysterical repetition of 'he's gone'. She had lost her last and pretty much only hope to really prove herself and what had happened. Now she was going to have to rely on the trust and understanding, which was quickly proving to be nonexistent.

Since their de-facto leader seemed to be frozen in town and things seemed to be shellshocked or something of the sort, Daniela took a deep breath and figured it was up to her as the "eldest" student to try to keep the situation from spiraling out of control and into a clusterfuck of vladish proportions. Trying to appear less pitiful than usual, the girl grabbed onto Vlad's wrist and pulled herself up, attempting the most determined expression she could muster. "Ok.. let's try to get this under control, ok guys?" the girl began to say crossing her arms over her chest, "Addy, we'll go look for Xavier, he can't be far, maybe he went to the bathroom or something." she still wasn't fully convinced the girl was Addy but she seemed to recognize Endelyn and looked more pitiful than threatening right now. "Endelyn, please take Addy upstairs, get her cleaned up, maybe she'll feel better in a familiar place." she said before she turned to Addy again, "You'd like that, right? Your own room? your own bed? I'll go look for Xavier, I promise." she added with an understanding smile, then she made an X over her chest, "Cross my heart." Hoping Endelyn could help Addy feel a bit better and get her out of everyone's hair right now, she turned to Ivan. "New kid.. sorry about the... uhm.. welcome... but you said you have medical training? there's a very wounded red pangolin down in the infirmary, just take the elevator down..." she said pointing at the elevator, "And follow the trail of blood."
Dani's head felt like a hot air balloon by now, as if she had a massive case of stage fright, but nonetheless she plowed through, feeling a bit faint; "New girl, you're with me, I promise it's not normally like this.. you've just showed up in like.. a weird situation. Jonas, please come too, we're going to check Xavier's office." she concluded and, before anyone had a chance to argue with her, she walked into X-Men Xavier's Office.

Emily stood glancing round at everyone with wide eyes and a large part of her just wanted to turn around and run as fast as she could out the door. When Dani began talking she focused on her, feeling that she was in control then gave a small nod when she turned to her and told her to go with her. She readjusted her grip on her backpack then quickly followed after Dani into X-Men Xavier's Office.

Ivan nodded in understanding, and immediately ran over to the elevator. When the doors opened he pressed the button and began his descent.

Jonas nodded and got up when Daniela did, following both her and the new girl into Xavier's Office.

Endelyn nodded to Dani and then looked to Addy wig a smile. "Come on. I left everything as it was. I even cleaned the dress you let me borrow. Someone's trick left pumpkin on it, and I felt horrible leaving it like that." She explained as she got up and held her hand out to Addy with a smile.

Looking up as people started moving, Addy simply wanted to melt into the floor, become nonexistant. Instead, she reached up and took her roommate's hand, her own shaking like a leaf, and stood. She was tired, and weak, and she knew she wouldn't last much longer awake. This would be one of those days that her malnourished form let itself be known, and Addy had no more reason to deny what she knew was the truth. She was sick. So she allowed Endelyn to lead her anywhere the other girl wanted.

Endelyn smiled and helped Adrianne up, then chuckled lightly. "Well since the kitchen obviously didn't work, I can grab something for ya while you wash up. Sound good?" The chipper brunette asked with a huge grin. She couldn't help but to feel overjoyed that her friend was back, despite the condition her friend was in.

Addy nodded, her face alternating between crinkling in distress and trying to relax enough not to cry anymore. Her mind was too busy trying not to think about how much trouble she was in right now. Even if nothing today had been her fault. Part of her wanted nothing more than to go back and start all over, but that wasn't possible. Instead, she gripped her roommates hand and closed her eyes, taking them both with a thought back to their room as she remembered it from so long ago. In a puff of smoke, both Addy and Endelyn disappeared from the hall as she brought them to Dormitory 398.

Kenna walked out of the X-Men Kitchen looking considerably flustered. As soon as the door closed behind her, she took a deep breath and muttered something under her breath. Walking out into the hallway, she glanced at Vlad, who was still standing in place after everyone had left. "Oi Vladimir." she called out on her way to the staircase. "Th' blokes in there've gone bampot" declared the tiny girl, pointing behind her and disappearing up the stairs to the X-Men Hall 2nd without waiting for a reply.

Also appearing from the X-Men Kitchen, Valerie already had her phone out and was scrolling through her contacts, looking for an unfamiliar name to put to a face, something that might jog her memory, just in case this girl was right-- though deep, down inside she knew she just couldn't possibly be. Engrossed as she was, she neglected to see Vlad in all his bloody, shirtless glory, and hurried toward the elevator, jamming a finger at the 'up' button several times as people do when they want the car to arrive faster.

Marcus emerged from the kitchen, and quickly spotted Vlad in the hall, "Uhh, are you alright? Are you bleeding?" He said quickly, hoping to get a response before the elevator reached the ground floor. Maybe it would be a way to get him from having to go apologize to the girl. He went and stood next to Val, waiting to see what he was going to be doing.

'Do you think she went upstairs? I just assumed that's where she was heading since she said she was going to her room. But if she doesn't belong here, how would she know where her room is supposed to be? I mean, we might as well try going upstairs first, right?' Valerie suddenly asked, as if having some moment of clarity amidst the perplexing situation. She looked up at Marcus he approached, her face open and curious, either ignoring or unaware of any sort of ill mood he was in. The elevator door opened and she pressed the palm of her right hand against one side of the sliding door, to prevent it from closing, and waited for Marcus to answer her small barrage of questions.

"Well, I'd suppose that she probably went upstairs. I don't think that there are any rooms in the basement, right?" Marcus said, not being smart at all. He had no idea what to think about the girl. She seemed to know so much, but at the same time, it scared him to no end. He shuffled into the elevator behind Valerie to try to go find the girl and get this over with.

'Not unless there are some super-secret dormitories down there that we haven't got the clearance to know about,' answered Valerie, just as ingenuously. 'The second floor has some rooms, but they're mostly for visitors and instructors, I think. But who knows?' She pressed the appropriate button, and, perhaps sensing Marcus's unease at the situation, a touch of a smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. 'Thanks for coming along,' she said simply as the doors closed and the elevator took them to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

It seemed that right as the commotion began, Vlad's eye started to throb with pain. Now, Vlad was no stranger to pain - simply because his skin was resistant didn't mean that the blows didn't hurt, but this kind of pain was turning into, momentarily, a bit of a show-stopper. Injuries were no longer his forte and he had no idea how much a scratched eyeball, or whatever he had, could hurt so badly. He winced and brought his hand to his forehead as another trail of blood fell on the trail of a tear. <"Damnit,"> he muttered as he stood like the calm of a storm while the new students whipped all around him. He held his head with both hands, somewhat doubled over. Deep inside his head, the throb grew into something of a buzz, mixing with the frantic sobbing of someone and then the feel of someone small collapsing against his knees for a moment. "Somevon get the..." he was cut off by Daniela, who proceeded to impress him greatly by taking charge of a situation that was clearly beyond Vlad's current control. When she dispersed everyone like a cueball, Vlad nodded and called after her, "Good vork, Dani." However, he was soon alone in the hall with what was left of his suddenly onset headache. Opening his other eye, he took a deep breath and wondered where Dr. McCoy was - and if the sobbing girl had been right and the Professor was gone then this made for suspicious news at least. Maybe Camille knew something about why the two most reliable teachers in the mansions were suddenly gone at the same time in, possibly, one of the darkest times in the mansion. Blinking another painful tear away, Vlad was brought to attention by a firecracker of a woman who spoke to him in an accent and with lingo he could only cock his head and stare at. "Uhm...okay..." he replied to the stranger, wondering how in the hell she knew his name and watching her with curiosity as she disappeared up the stairs. Finally, enough was enough. Back to the infirmary for him. This time, instead of crashing around on the stairs, which no doubt had an effect on his headache, Vlad took the elevator to X-Men Hall Complex.

Once they were out of the office, Emily turned to look at Jonas, an embarassed expression on her face. "You'll need to lead the way from here..I don't know where i'm going.." she said glancing at the various doors leading off from the hall.

Jonas followed Emily out of the office and was looking around the hall when she spoke. He looked at her and nodded. "Right... this way." He said in his usual standoffish way, walking towards the elevator. It said it was on the third floor. He was about to press the button, but stopped. "Uhm.... it wouldn't be wise for me to touch that... could you...?" He asked, motioning towards it. "I can meet you up there. I don't feel like getting stuck in there if I accidentally touch it and fry the thing ot." He said bitterly.

Emily couldn't help but take a small step backwards from Jonas when he spoke of frying out the elevator. "Your gifts electrical? I guess its not a good idea for us to travel in this thing together either incase you fry me out to." She said and chuckled lightly. "Water + electric = disaster. I'll see you up there." She pressed the button lightly then waited for the elevator to arrive and once it did she stepped inside and as the doors closed over she waved farewell to Jonas before heading up to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd

Jonas thought about what she said about water for a moment, then was suddenly thankful he hadn't touched her or anything. Cursing how he got in these sort of situations, he sighed and headed up the staircase that lead to X-men hall 2nd

The entrance doors pushed open, followed immediately by a rather unique looking girl barging in like a ram and looking around the place with her black eyes. Her clothing was simple, a pair of torn stockings underneath a pair of tattered shorts and a t-shirt that displayed the middle finger and showed off the skull dangling from her belly-button ring. Akantha was begrudgingly impressed with the state of the place, but did not bother to wipe her boots off on the mat placed for just such a thing and instead stomped into the foyer, kicking the doors shut behind her, and leaving dusty footprints all over the luxurious carpet. The hall was deserted, it seemed, and there was a glint of mischief in her eye as she looked around to all of the nice things she could steal and sell, or break and blow up. Vases, paintings, hell, the carpet would probably torch like sawdust. Clicking her tongue, she found the staircase to X-Men Hall 2nd and decided to hike up it, holding onto the straps of her frame backpack and looking around with joint disgust and awe - like a hoodlum in a country club.

Jessica had made her way in from the X-Men Grounds, and took a look around at the somewhat fancy looking place with slight disgust. She remembered that her parents said she would have to meet with Xavier fellow. So, she checked a slightly damp map she was carrying, and found out where his office was currently located. As she stood outside his door she noticed that she still had the motorcycle helmet on, and removed it before slowly opening the door to X-Men Xavier's Office.

Kenna came into the first floor hallway from the X-Men Hall 2nd and as soon as she stepped close to Xavier's office and let go of Valerie's hand, turning around to wait for Marcus before coming up to the office itself. Crossing her arms, the girl fixed her eyes on the doorway leading to the stairs, and missed the door to the Professor's Office opening behind her.

Valerie appeared just a step behind Kenna as the girl directed her down the stairs from X-Men Hall 2nd and across the foyer toward Xavier's office. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times, making her look a little bit like a fish, as she struggled for something conversational to say. 'I hope the weather clears soon,' she weakly offered, taking note of the footprints traipsed about the usually pristine floor as her eyes swept back to the staircase, as she, too, awaited Marcus's arrival.

Marcus popped out of the stairwell into the first floor and found the two girls waiting for him in front of the professor's office, "So, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

Alyssa stepped into the door, and quickly noticed the three students (She presumed) standing in the hall. She smiled to them and gave a quick "Hello." And nodded before shrugging off her bag from her shoulder, "So, where do I go from here? I'm new, you see."

Kenna was about to turn to Valerie and Marcus to reply to each of them, which would have probably been counterproductive, since the red-headed girl was not known for her capacity for small talk. Luckily, she was interrupted by yet another new student walking in. Though the girl with the bag was much taller and clearly older than the diminutive Kenna, she was known for speaking to everyone as if they were her juniors. "Hi. Name's Kenna." she replied firmly and with unshakable confidence. "Normally, you'd have to talk to th' professor." she shrugged. "But he seems to be away reit noo." continued the younger girl, before pointing at the door. "We're gonnae go check th' student files. Yer room number shoods be there so yer welcome to come." concluded Kenna.

Jessica closed the door to X-Men Xavier's Office, and overheard the four unknown students standing in the X-Men Hall 1st. "I think there is something wrong with those student files," she said to them, "But you can find out for yourselves when you go in there." Jessica then moved out from in front of the door allowing them access into the Professor's Office.

After a tiny nod of agreement to Marcus, Valerie looked over at the newcomer's arrival through the doors. The dancer quite congenially returned Alyssa's smile upon her approach, as Kenna-- who finally offered her name to the stranger-- explained how she should proceed. Her smile wavered a tiny bit, for Val did feel funny about going into the Professor's office during his absence, and she idly wondered why, if there were new students scheduled to arrive today, he wasn't around. 'Something wrong with the files?' Valerie repeated when Jessica, yet another unfamiliar face, appeared from behind the office door. That made, what? Three new students that she'd seen, not including Kenna, whom she supposedly already knew. 'Maybe... we should wait to go in, then,' she said, sounding unsure of their previous plan. 'If he's not, like... around...'

Marcus shot a look of desperate concern to Val, hearing that the professor was not around and that the student files were apparently tampered with. He turned in brief to the new girl, "Hi, I'm Marcus. Looks like it may be a bit before you're getting your room though. Sounds like we have some detective work to do." With that, he turned back to Val, "We should probably figure out what's going on here."

Alyssa smiled sweetly at the introductions, "It's nice to meet you all. So, the professor isn't in right now, you say? Is there anyone else that I may be able to talk to to find my stuff?"

As Jessica walked out, Kenna turned her gaze to her with a quick, whiplash-like movement of her neck, her wild locks following in turn. "So many new students today..." muttered the new student, change was certainly not something she was fond of, but she couldn't argue the numbers could help if they were up against a powerful enemy. "Ye, new lassie." Kenna said to Alyssa, who had just made her way in. "Ye should've gotten yer room number in the acceptance letter fer the institute, ye can go check out the room with.. uhm.. th' other new lassie." she finally concluded, this time nodding in Jessica's direction. As Kenna spoke, she could hear Valerie and Marcus' utterings and pussyfooting, so she simply turned to them, as determined as ever. "Enough dilly dallyin', I bet th' professr wouldn't mind us checkin' out our own files, let's go." she announced almost as if she was giving an order before making her way into X-Men Xavier's Office

Jessica shrugged at Kenna, and then looked over at the other new person. "What exactly are you looking for anyways?" She said while walking towards her, "Oh, and I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess for short." Jessica immediately took in the newcomers appearance to get a feel for who she was, and held her hand out to shake the other new girl's hand.

Pressing her lips together tightly, Valerie met Marcus's concerned gaze with one of her own, but her head swiveled back toward the office as Kenna took the liberty of entering, even after they'd voiced their hesitation. 'Oh. Hi, uhm... Jessica and...' she looked from Jessica to Alyssa and smiled apologetically, since she didn't know the newer girl's name and wasn't going to wait until she introduced herself before following the headstrong Scotswoman into Xavier's office. 'Uhhhmmmm... good luck... finding your rooms,' she quickly added as she clung to the door jamb, halfway in and halfway out of the hallway. Val was usually much more thorough with her introductions, but she figured maybe she'd make it up to the newcomers later, when she wasn't distracted, anxious and flighty. Without further ado, she slipped into X-Men Xavier's Office.

"Oh, yeah!" Alyssa spouted, remembering that she had gotten a key with a room number in her acceptance packet for the school. When she was approached by Jessica, she reached out her hand and shook the other new girl's, "Alyssa, Alyssa Jameson. Pleasure to meet you." Anyway, I guess we should probably head out to find our rooms?"

Following Valerie's lead, Marcus nodded to the new girls and quietly tucked in behind the other girls, into X-Men Xavier's Office.

Jessica smiled and shook the other girls hand, "Its a pleasure to meet you too Alyssa," she said while looking around the hall taking in her surroundings. "I assume our rooms are upstairs somewhere." she continued as she let go of the Alyssa's hand, and looked at the staircase. "Hey, this seems to be the right way to go," she said going up the staircase to the X-Men Hall 2nd.

Scooping her bag back up, Alyssa trotted off behind Jessica, up to X-Men Hall 2nd, with a sing-song-y, "And away we go!" in her voice.

The heavy wooden door to X-Men Xavier's Office opened to reveal Valerie. With one hand, she gently guided the door shut while the other held her phone to her ear. She stood just out of the way, so that anyone exiting the office after her wouldn't immediately hit her.

Seconds after Valerie, Kenna emerged from X-Men Xavier's Office, her arms cross and a sour expression on the short girl's face. "So.. where to?" she asked the blonde. Kenna had never been close to Korvka, considering her an acquaintance (friend was a strong word for the redhead), so she never bothered to learn where her room was.

The door from the grounds opened and Olivier stepped inside, dropping his hood as he did and dumping his bag to one side. "What is going on in this place?" he said loudly to anyone that would listen, his eyes falling on Kenna as she emerged from the professors office. "I mean the gates have been destroyed and theres this dead thing lying outside.."

Korvka's phone answered but her voice did not immediately follow. Instead, the sound of rustling sheets was heard until the Russian's groggy voice finally answered, "Yeah?"

'Oh! uh...' was all Valerie initially said to Kenna, obviously surprised to see her follow behind and unprepared to actually answer the question. 'Upstairs... maybe?' she offered with a weak smile, sounding unsure and not really clarifying anything at all. As Olivier entered through the front door, his question and unnerving statement cutting through the foyer and first hall, Korvka picked-up on the other end. 'Hiya, uh...' Val said, pretty sure that she'd just woken her friend up. She cut to the chase pretty quickly, though, and would apologize later if need be, 'A couple of questions: Where do you want to meet? And, uhhhh, do you know where Vlad is; if not can you give him a buzz? Please? Okay, maybe that's three questions...' The blonde kept her attention on the newcomer, but glanced over to Kenna for a very brief moment, as if she might be able to shed some light on who this guy was.

"Aye." replied simply Kenna when Valerie pointed out they were going upstairs, the girl still looked rather sullen because of the sudden realization that her powers were now out in full swing. As the blonde got on the phone, she stepped to the side, thinking it wasn't right to listen to he conversation. Suddenly, Kenna heard a voice behind her; "Oliver!" she yelped loudly, whipping around to turn towards the boy and letting her wild, red locks follow. "What are ye doin' here? Of all th' trooblemakin' hooligans that could have shown up... and at the worst time possible, too!" continued the girl, her accent growing thick with her surprise. She knew Oliver all too well, and she knew the guy could not take a single thing seriously, and now with the professor gone, he was probably going to run rampant. Suddenly, something dawned on her, unlike everyone else's attitude to Kenna today, Oliver had spoken directly to her. "W-wait.. ye know who I am?" she finally asked, peering at the boy with her iron-like gaze, waiting to see if at least HE remembered her.

Exiting from the Professor's office, Marcus made his way into the main hall, and saw the other new student standing there, "Uhh, Hi! Anyway, Val, I'll be upstairs, let me know if you find anything." He said before running off, and up the stairs to X-Men Hall 2nd.

Oliver raised an eyebrow at Kenna's question. "Did you hit your head or something?" He asked watching her. "Kenna..right? You were here when I left two years ago so I remember you. So are you going to tell me whats going on here? Or should I go speak to Xavier? Try and get some sense from him.."

Jessica made her way down from the X-Men Hall 2nd, and saw the three students in the hall. She remembered seeing two of them, but couldn't recall their names. At this point she wasn't really interested, and quickly put her motorcycle helmet on before opening the door so she could go into the X-Men Grounds. As she walked through the doorway she closed the door behind her.

Korvka's voice was slightly more awake when she replied. Her words were short and to the point - the same way Val had asked them, and she answered in direct order. "I could meet in the first hall, last I knew he vos in the infirmary. I can give him a call. Ver should I tell him to meet you?"

Pressing the tips of her fingers to the ear opposite that of where the phone was, Valerie tried to eliminate the any extra sound so she could hear Korvka better as Kenna and Olivier interacted with one another. From her expression, the redhead recognized him, and stranger, surprisingly enough... also seemed to recognize her. 'Oh, hey Marcus, wait!' she called after the boy who exited Xavier's office, but it was too late as she watched him disappear up the grand staircase; she didn't have his phone or room number, so hopefully she could find him if and when she needed to. 'Okay!' she replied to Korvka, 'First hall sounds fine, that's where I am right now. Daniela's actually the one who wanted to see Vlad, and she's still in the office.' Her voice dropped slightly as she added, 'We just need some, uhm... well, I guess we can discuss it when you get down here.' She paused and cast a furtive glance in Kenna and Olivier's direction. 'Marcus also went to look for your brother upstairs, so maybe you'll run into him,' she finished, her eyes trailing after Jessica as she passed through the foyer to go outside, and didn't clarify who Marcus was, despite the fact that he was relatively new and the Russian might not yet know him.

"Sounds secretive. My natural tendency is to like that," Korvka joked in a total deadpan. "All right. I'll meet you in the first hall and call Vlad. See you soon," and then there was a click and the line went dead.

Not too long after Korvka had hung up, she emerged from the elevator wearing the stoic expression she always wore when she was about to run into a lot of people. She looked placidly left and right, spying Val and two new kids - obviously the source of all the commotion on Val's end of the receiver. Her eyes sharpened themselves on Oliver first, and then to Kenna's obscenely ginger hair, but softened as she approached the three of them, finally shooting Val a small nod and a softer expression than she gave the other two. "Tried to call Vlad, no luck. Vot's up? New kids need a tour or something?" she asked, sinking her fingers into her damp, stretched locks and fluffing them a bit.

"We cannae find him." replied Kenna matter-of-factly, not being one to mince words or spend too much time on niceties. However, even through her usual steely expression, one could see a small smirk of satisfaction at the fact someone had finally admitted they knew her. Since she'd just seen Marcus, the girl mostly ignored him as he walked past, "We think a student might haf teleported him away." she added, turning to Oliver again after a glance to Valerie. "That's Valerie, she came here after ye left." she mentioned to the boy as she motioned at Valerie. When Korvka showed up, she added; "And ye remember Korvka, she was here two years ago too." before turning to the Russian girl with an unassuming; "'Ullo Korvka."

'We,' Valerie stated firmly while trying to maintain some diplomacy, 'haven't decided what's happened in regards to Mister Xavier, yet. And there's no need to start tossing accusations around right now. It's probably the worst thing we could do.' She planted her unblinking, and what she hoped to be a chastising, gaze on Kenna. Unfortunately, getting scolded by Valerie was probably akin to getting spanked with a feather-- pretty ineffectual. Not missing the vindication, albeit subtle, alight the younger girl's face as Olivier confirmed her identity, she continued to say, 'Hello. Nice to meet you,' very formally to the new boy before she slid her scrutinizing blue gaze over to him in a thorough once-over, from head to toe, then back up; it wasn't in Val's usual nature to be so suspicious, but the current situation had her questioning both her grip on reality and whom she should trust. When Korvka arrived shortly on the scene, the blonde looked relieved, and she opened her mouth to answer, but Kenna spoke-up before she could. Suddenly looking a little nervous, Val glanced quickly to her Russian friend to see how she'd react to the redhead's familiarity.

Korvka stood still, her eyes bouncing from Valerie to Kenna and then to Oliver. Surprised to see such a familiar face after such a period of absence, the Russian's normally stoic expression broke as she gasped, recognition painting her features. "Oliver!" she exclaimed, her voice louder than usual as the excitement got the best of her. "Sorry," she apologized immediately, thunking herself in the head with the heel of her hand as if to knock her back into normalcy. "Long time no see..." She looked over to Val just in time to see her take a breath to say something but was cut off by Kenna's accent, which was just as strong as her hair was red. "Excuse me?" she asked, tilting her head and narrowing her brows as the girl spoke of her as if she knew Korvka from somewhere. "Haff ve met?" she wondered, looking now to Oliver to see if he remembered her from two years ago and then to Val, just to make sure she took full inventory.

Olivers eyes widened slightly when Kenna spoke of Xavier's disappearance. If he was gone, things were bad. He took a breath and ran his hand through his hair as he tried to think who would want to take the professor. He looked up when Kenna introduced Valeries and raised an eyebrow as he watched her inspect him from head to toe. Someones Suspicious.. he thought. "Don't worry I was a student here before you, i'm not the villain." he told her then turned to Korvka when she exclaimed his name and grinned when he recognised her. "Its nice to see theres still some people I know round here. Thought I was going to be alone."

A blood and mud covered figure of Jessica entered from the grounds, and stood in the hallway shivering and gasping for breath. "Sooooo Coooold," she managed to stammer while holding her arms to herself. The hood of her trenchcoat had come off when she ran toward the mansion, and now revealed the puffy red eyes of someone who had been crying.

Following Valerie's mention of the situation behind Xavier's disappearance, Kenna was quick to add, from what she had seen inside the professor's office. "Well, th' professor did not take his chair, so I doubt be left on his own. Pussifootin' aroond th' issue will not make it better." declared the girl sternly, diverting her eyes off Oliver with a sidelong glance to Valerie. Then, when Korvka seemed not to recognize her either, she sighed and covered her eyes with the palm of her hand, digging her slender fingers into her fire red locks. "Oh fur fock's sake..." she added. "Anyhow, At leest someone admits to knowin' me." she added in frustration, unwittingly admitted that for once, she was glad to see Oliver's irresponsible ass. Suddenly, someone appeared on the entrance to the hallway, apparently one of the new girls she'd seen exiting Xavier's office earlier, the girl seemed to be ok, but having some extremely over-dramatized panic attack, with a frustrated sigh at her peaceful life in school suddenly being turned into a madhouse, she looked at the floor, her shoulders slumped and her bangs falling down over her face in defeat, letting out another "...Oh fur fock's sake..."

When recognition lit Korvka's face in regards to Olivier, Valerie allowed her own features to soften. She looked further chagrined when the older boy spoke again. The blonde squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head quickly, and, upon opening them again, she looked apologetic. Of course, as much as Val's suspicions were being piqued, it was pretty easy to dampen them again. 'I... I'm sorry. Things are just... well, they're just not right,' she said before exhaling a soft sigh. 'Yes, I know that,' Val then said in reply to Kenna's initial response, but she didn't have near the edge in her voice that she'd had before. When Jessica, whom she had only just been very briefly introduced to, abruptly appeared at the front door, Val peered around the people standing in front of her to see who it was. Distracted by the current conundrum, however, she looked from Olivier to Kenna to Korvka. Kenna seemed to know Korvka, but it wasn't reciprocated. Olivier knew both Kenna and Korvka, and Korvka knew Olivier. There was some variable in this equation that she was obviously missing. 'Maybe... maybe it's a good thing you got here when you did,' she said, suddenly speaking to Olivier, looking as if a thought had just materialized in her brain. 'Why don't we go sit down somewhere, maybe the kih--' no, the last time she was in the kitchen, feral-Addy disappeared into thin air and Kenna appeared out of thin air, '--library, and we can outline and write down what we do know and what we still need to find out.' She offered her most convincing smile to all three, but it faltered. 'Maybe I should go make that girl some hot tea first, though...' she said with a sigh that mirrored Kenna's sentiment, only in a less abrasive manner.

Coming in from the rain, Catherine was dripping, in not in the most pleasant of moods. She'd been basically put in this place not of her own free will, she'd put her coats inside her briefcase, leaving herself absolutely soaked, and she had no idea where she was going from here. Looking around, there seemed to be enough people around to ask, but she wasn't above simply shouting. "Where the heck am I supposed to go to get dry in this place?" It wasn't the best of first impressions, no doubt, but it was likely a big one.

Zipping in just as the door closed, Tim instantly lifted himself up close to the ceiling, trying to get out of people's sight. It was instinct for him and often saved a lot of screaming from those who spotted him. But, wasn't he here to stop that? To finally find others like him. Although, looking down at the occupants, he really didn't fit in. "Really Tim, what you expect? A floating arm or foot to welcome you?" Should he speak up or stay quiet? He was there to meet friends after all, after being so isolated for so many years. Clearing his 'throat', trying to build up some confidence, Tim lowered himself to float by the doorway, allowing his telepathic voice to project louder to all in the room. "Ah... hello there! Not the best night for travelling, huh?"

Jessica was freezing as she looked around at the room of people, and thought some of them looked familiar. She wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying, but decided to stand their until her body temperature returned to normal. As the door opened Jessica felt a cold breeze hit her, and began shaking a little. Afterwards she noticed something else had entered into the hall, and was somehow communicating with her. At that point, her mind went blank and she ran straight up the stairs toward the X-Men Hall 2nd.

The door flew open from the outside, nearly hitting the walls as it did. Mihir came in wearing what could only be called military regalia and started unrolling the lengths of cloth from his hands, revealing the nasty cuts on the one and the crooked, broken bones of the other. He looked up at the gathering there and frowned. "Got a special delivery outside," he said with a nod of his head and stood aside, waiting for the others to join him.

Shana slung the doors open not long after Mihir, covered in water much like everyone else who had come through. Her eyes barely scanned the room before she zigzagged through the crowd of students gathered, looking lost and scared, heading straight for the professor's office. It seemed there were several new arrivals, but Shana didn't have time or patience for a simple greeting with any of them. She had to talk to Xavier about the wrecked bike and puddles of blood sitting outside, and the albino boy she was dragging along behind her. Even missing the apparent floating, speaking skull in the room, Shana opened the door to X-Men Xavier's Office and pushed the boy in, then followed, slamming the door behind her. A small click followed, indicating that someone locked the door from the inside.

The albino boy stepped into the hall as well, though apparently not by choice. Shana dragged him inside, his neck craning to see something outside before the door shut in his face, snapping his attention to what was before him. A crowd of people was gathered in the hallway, and his eyes grew wide seeing them all. "Hello!" he called loudly, lifting his free hand to wave at everyone, until he spotted Tim, at which point his eyes grew even wider, his jaw dropped, and he nearly froze. Had it not been for Shana, he simply would have stood there, staring in awe, but alas he was forced into X-Men Xavier's Office.

Stepping in from the grounds, Eddie ran a hand over his face, flicking his wet hair back up over his skull, slicking it back to get it out of his eyes. Taking in those that had congregated around the area, for the most they were strangers to him, not that it was a true surprise considering how busy the school had always been.

Rook stepped in after Eddie, shivering and clinging to the older boy when he saw the amount of people in the hall. He actually stepped closer to Eddie as his hair stuck to his face, brown eyes scanning everything in one swoop. Having never been here before, and not even being native to this country, this was a bit of culture shock to the Japanese student. With a shiver, his other hand came up to make a fist in front of his mouth, pressed to his lips as he waited for someone to do or say something.

At first, Kenna missed all of the mission people entering the Hall, after all, it was a very large area that encompassed the foyer and first floor hallways. However, she could not miss the floating skull mentally projecting his words to everyone. Without so much as batting an eyelash, the girl walked forward and poked the skull in the forehead. "Did I make you?" she asked matter-of-factually, as if she had ice water running through her veins. It would not have been the weirdest thing Kenna's power did, this one time it made the neighbour's cow fart what seemed to be all of "Atlas Shrugged" as narrated by the Count from Sesame Street. Luckily it was the only time her powers came with political commentary. "Mihir!" she yelled back when the boy walked in, seemingly wounded. Kenna actually didn't dislike the kid, he had a bit of her no-nonsense attitude, so she walked over to him, ignoring the skull for a second. "You ok?" she asked, before putting her index finger on her chin as if she was thinking, and asking what she probably should have asked first. "You know who I am?"

"Kenna, I broke my hand, not my head," Mihir said quickly, hissing between his teeth as he peeled the dried blood from his hand that was holding the bandage in place. He looked at the girl and his eyebrows pulled together. "Would you mind terribly helping me get down to the infirmary?" Since everyone else seemed occupied, he would have to rely on anyone who was paying attention. And Kenna was the closest.

Awaiting a response from any members of the group gathered outside of Xavier's office, Valerie actually first focused on Catherine when Tim spoke, but when Kenna suddenly abandoned their little quartet, the blonde soon realized what was floating in their midst. Having witnessed the Scots girl turn into a sentient, self-propelled condiment bottle, Val was, for the moment at least, unfazed by Tim's presence, as she erroneously assumed that it was simply a trick of the redhead's apparently encompassing and unreliable power. Her attention was snagged from its current fixation once more when the door slammed open to reveal Mihir, who was dressed strangely, appeared to be injured and who offered a cryptic message, followed by Shana, dressed similarly, and an unknown albino boy. 'Where... where'd you guys come from?' she asked as the latter two marched their way into the office. What was going on? What was with this sudden influx of people, both familiar and unfamiliar? Two more strangers to Valerie, Eddie and Rook, followed through the front door. 'Who are all of these people?' the Wisconsinite begged of no one in particular, but all the same hoped someone would offer some sort of explanation.

Well, ok, things were going better than he expected... strangle, but better. As the stream of people filtered into the room, Tim floated his way out of their path. While he did take some amusement out of the young albino boy's reaction to him, he bobbed in the air a bit as Kenna poked at him. "Well, you look younger than I am, so I would assume no, you didn't make me." As the focus shifted from him once again, Tim questioned the lack of some figure to keep this all in order. He was sure he had heard about teachers or other adults being around, shouldn't they be dealing with this. "Ah, where is this 'Xavier' I heard of? Wouldn't he be sorting stuff out?"

"Okay can we maybe slow down a little?!" Oliver exclaimed at the sudden influx of people to the hall. "Or can we get a checking in system or something.." He pinched the bridge of his nose then looked round when he heard a strange voice and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of the floating skull. "I think I need a drink or something.." he muttered then shook his head and clenched his fists. "OKAY! EVERYONE JUST CALM DOWN FOR A SECOND AND BE QUIET!" He yelled so everyone could hear him. Someone needs to take control here or this place is going to fall apart. he thought then pointed at Valerie. "You. Library. Now. You're going to fill me in on everything thats happened okay?"

Realizing she might have been a little rude on her first impression, Catherine almost flopped down to the floor, before seeing a floating skull, and doing quite the opposite, nearly jumping out of her skin. "What in the- What the- What are you?" She looked around. This place, what were all these people? However, when a loud voice shouted at everyone in the vicinity, she jumped again, turning to face him. "I...Whatever..."

Just then, the door to Xavier's Office slung open, and Shana's head popped out. "Excuse me! You do not yell at your fellow students!" she shouted, without even registering the fact that Oliver was there or that he was the one projecting his voice. "If anyone has a problem, you can either bring it to the professor when her returns, or I can throw you in the Danger Room for a really rough midnight session!" Her voice softened a little as she continued, "The rest of you, new or not, get to your rooms. It's late. Rooms are on the third floor, and your name should be on your door. Goodnight." The girl finished sternly and slammed the door closed, her head popping back inside and the lock clicking again.

Just raising a brow at the outburst by both Oliver and Shana, Eddie let out a frustrated sigh and roll of his eyes. This was not what he expected if he got back, didn't anyone miss him?! Fuck it. "Come on, lets find a place to crash." He nodded his head up the stairs, directing Rook to follow him, not a hard thing since the boy was still latched onto him. So he led the boy up to X-Men Hall 2nd.

Oliver frowned heavily, annoyed at Shana's outburst then rolled his eyes. I'll have a word with her in the morning. he thought then looked back at Valerie. "Forget it..I just got here and I want to go to my can fill me in on all the misfortunes the schools been having tomorrow. Its late and you should all try and get some rest. The professors still going to be missing in the morning." He turned and grabbed his bags then slung them over his shoulders. "By the way, the names Oliver.." he called over his shoulder to Valerie before grinning and disappearing into the X-men hall 2nd.

Korvka simply shrugged as people began yelling left and right, there was too much stuff going on and too many new people for her to process, so waving lazily at the others, she climbed to the X-men hall 2nd after Oliver.

Nathan came into the hall way from the grounds, soaked by rain, by too tired to pay any attention to anyone around. He entered the elevator and took it up to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

"Infirmary might be clogged doon a bit, they took some wounded down there earlier." said Kenna absentmindedly as she replied to the apparent illusion she was causing. "Xavier's not here, we're hopin' he'll be back n'the 'morrow." without even turning to face the floating skull. Examining the wound without touching it, Kenna fixed her blue grey eyes on Mihir's wound before looking up at the man, the redhead's stare was almost like peering into winter itself. "Dr.McCoy isnae' here either, so I don't know how much good the infirmary can do... but we can try." she said as she helped the boy onto the elevator and down to the X-Men Hall Complex

As people moved off around him, Tim gave a nod of his skull in reply to Kenna, hiding a growing concern at the chaos that seemed to be going on and no one to direct it. Not your place Tim, leave it for those that live here. Angling his eye sockets at Catherine, seeming to be able to see her despite the lack of eyes, Tim answered her calmly. "I'm Tim, nice to meet you. Maybe rest is the best idea, can sort out everything in the morning when everyone is calmer, hopefully." Hopefully the girl had a place to rest. He on the other hand, could just settle down anywhere and 'sleep', it didn't really affect him.

"Tim...Riiiight, okay then, well, see you around I guess..." Catherine rolled her eyes, before stepping into the elevator, and looking at the buttons. "Catherine" was all she said as the elevator door closed, taking to to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Guess they don't teach manners here... but hey! Better than what you normally get met with Tim! Tim watched as the elevator doors closed on Catherine before he gave a shake of his head. Kids. He also could try for the dorms, to see if he had a room, but he had arrived unannounced. No warning no doubt meant nothing prepared for him, not that he needed a bed. Floating around the hall and peeking in the open doors, Tim came across the library. Giving a mental shrug he entered into X-Men Library, hell, if he couldn't 'sleep' he could at least read.

Valerie just stood there as she was first commanded by then abandoned by Oliver... and everyone else... or so she thought. 'Nice to meet... you,' she said without much luster, and watched helplessly as her fellow students proceeded to trickle out of the first hall. It was probably fortunate in all of the confusion that she neglected to see that Tim was still floating about, for she'd assumed previously he was one of Kenna's illusions. The blonde blew a breath of air forcefully out between her lips and turned back to the closed door of Xavier's office. She reached out and tried to turn the knob, but was rewarded only with the resistance of it being locked. 'Well. Guess I'll just... ' she said and paused to sigh, '... just... go upstairs.' It was late, she was exhausted, and it didn't seem that the entire perplexing situation at hand was going to be solved tonight, so, with one last look around the now-vacant hall, Val trudged over to the elevator, hit the up button and stepped into the car when it arrived so she could head to X-Men Hall Center 3rd .

Everyone comes through here so ill just stick around for a second to see who comes by. Justin made it to the bottom of the stairs and looked around for signs of mutant life. With a sigh he popped a squat and sank into the nearest bench.

Daniela came out of Xavier's office, looking like she could use a good night's sleep, and stretched her arms as she walked towards the stairs, failing to notice Justin, she simply walked up to the X-Men Hall 2nd figuring Shana and Casper would be behind her.

Casper stepped out of the office behind Daniela, giving his normal greeting, a small wave and overly cheerful "Hello!", to Justin as he passed. His stride and movements matched Daniela's exactly as he followed her up the stairs to X-Men Hall 2nd.

Shana came out of the office as well, her cheeks slightly reddened by the fact she'd teared up a bit in the office, thinking about their beloved professor never returning. Wiping her eyes a little, she looked up to see Justin. "Oh, hey. You should go to bed. I think everyone else has." The girl didn't wait around for a reply as she took to the stairs, going to X-Men Hall 2nd.

Justin nodded to those who acknowledged him, but he didn't get up in time to address them before everyone had passed. "She's probably right honestly, it was a busy day but I didnt find a thing to help." He sighed and stretched out as he stood up and turned to face the stairs. "Screw it i think i have enough left in me for one more portal." The ground shimmered behind him as he forced open a hole in the ground that lead to the ceiling above his hammock, he fell straight back aiming to land comfortably in his room, flashing through the floor to Dormitory 365.
X-Men Grounds
X-Men Kitchen
X-Men Library
X-Men Gym
X-Men Xavier's Office
X-Men Complex Staircase
X-Men Hall 2nd

Start X-Men * X-Men Characters * X-Men Rules * X-Men RP Archives

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2010-11-08 [Figgy]: Figgy WILL post later today guys. Sorry :<

2010-11-09 [Figgy]: Luunaaaaaaa and Silviiiieeee and Paaaasstttt *pokepokepoke*

2010-11-09 [La Luna]: Grrrrrr sorry "writing" scince progect.... well more like procrastinating

2010-11-09 [windowframe]: Is italics not thought now? <_< What should I be using to indicate thought instead?

2010-11-09 [Figgy]: Ohhh. See, I missed that. XD

2010-11-09 [windowframe]: ^^;

2010-11-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: no one saw Lisa wave?

2010-11-10 [Figgy]: I'm surprised no one had to edge out of the way for her to get past, since they all seem to be crowded around the staircase O.o

2010-11-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: well depends on how big the stair case is, I was thinking about four feet wide?

2010-11-10 [Veltzeh]: I was thinking three meters. XD

2010-11-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: Ahh thats better.


2010-11-12 [Figgy]: >.>

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: right.. anything else I need to do?

2010-11-12 [twitchboy]: is there a teacher thats supposed to meet up with warp or something?

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: no he goes to Xavier's office.

2010-11-12 [twitchboy]: ok i was wondering if i should play him like he has no idea where anything is

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: Probably the best idea, and Laurel has to vist Xavier too since she hasnt yet...

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: .. prolly best seen as one of the chars is talking to yours. (laurel)

2010-11-12 [Flisky]: Come on, people! A little grammar check won't kill you, will it?

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: you on about in comments or just in general?

2010-11-12 [Flisky]: I could care less about grammar in the comments. I meant on the page itself.

2010-11-12 [Figgy]: Guys, there's a LOT of people in the hall right now. DO NOT go on a posting spree.

2010-11-12 [Figgy]: Also, please don't have those two do something incredibly ridiculous like before....

2010-11-12 [twitchboy]: who in general? (the grammar issue) am I making a bad name for myself already?

2010-11-12 [Figgy]: We're just laying down the ground rules.

2010-11-12 [Figgy]: Damn it, stop fucking posting >.>

2010-11-12 [twitchboy]: well my question is where was the grammatical mistake?
ok i will quietly wait for flame to leave the office

2010-11-12 [Figgy]: Well for you, I noticed that your sentence ran on into Warp's thoughts. Luna is making some mistakes, as well. There may be more, but I don't wanna look right now.

2010-11-12 [Duredhel]: Luna, remember that conversation before about characters desperate to pair off? Yah... if you dont, go and read it back. It reflects badly upon player too, you people need boyfriends/girlfriends.

2010-11-12 [twitchboy]: lol Luna you and your pairings, (Reference to Steelheart and Saru), no i want this stated now, my character will be played as a flirt not getting tied up for pairings in an RP. (Just to inform the admins so no trouble is brought up by this)

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: Yeah i know that why she thought what she thought up there

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: I am a hormone crazy 15 year old can ya blame me??

2010-11-12 [Duredhel]: Yes, yes we can, now step it up. And get spellcheck.

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: Will do Duredhel

2010-11-12 [twitchboy]: Harmone granger? ---> hormone  (right click scroll down to spell check)

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: gah I need to pay attention more

2010-11-12 [Duredhel]: Good. Hate to be the RPing police around here (I'm totally BSing, I love it, but yah), just keep in mind that there is a difference between a flirt and the Tex Avery wolf :/ you dont want your character to end up a caricature or a pastiche.

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: Even though I have no idea what half those words mean, by useing context clues I have assumed that is a bad thing and she will remain a hopeless flirt

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: twitch, its Hermione.

2010-11-12 [twitchboy]: I know i was simply using the same mistype and relating it to what it sounded like.

2010-11-14 [windowframe]: *demands someone comment so I remember to comes back in a bit and post*

2010-11-14 [Duredhel]: Post :O!

2010-11-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: Po... never mind.

2010-11-14 [La Luna]: poooooosssssst!

2010-11-14 [windowframe]: Fanks guys. :3

Also: Erin only had one bag, and she's carrying it. :o

2010-11-14 [Flisky]: Oops. Okay. (I missed that somewhere...)

2010-11-14 [windowframe]: I sort of ignored Mihir in my post in case you wanted to fix it. :o Though if you want I could edit my post and have Erin drop her bacg, then Mihir could pick it up and head off?

2010-11-14 [Flisky]: Fixed. ^_^

2010-11-14 [Ms. Steel]: Note to self: Read posts thoroughly.

2010-11-16 [Duredhel]: Btw, Twitch, Luna, "pace your posting" doesn't mean "don't post ever again." :3

2010-11-16 [La Luna]: Hahah ill post tomorrow gotta log off see ya capt'n

2010-11-17 [XxTsomexX]: Endelyn is a girl ;___;

2010-11-17 [Figgy]: o.o

2010-11-17 [XxTsomexX]: Twitchhhhh, lol you should know my characters by nowwww! How long have we been rping together?

2010-11-17 [Roma]: New Kids: Well we saw some guy with an accent wearing his underwear out into the lawn...

2010-11-17 [Flisky]: *lawls* Mihir: Was he about yea big? *makes hand gestures*

2010-11-18 [Flisky]: Oops. Forgot to bold his name.

2010-11-19 [windowframe]: Complete sentences require a verb. <_<

2010-11-23 [Veltzeh]: People currently in the hall: Endelyn, Teena, Everett and Gabriel.

2010-11-25 [La Luna]: Isnt Alexis still standing there?

2010-11-25 [Veltzeh]: Well, technically yeah, but his player is gone, so we don't really have much choice than to ignore him.

2010-11-25 [La Luna]: Oooooooh

2010-11-25 [Figgy]: Actually, Araglas and I decided that Alexis is already gone. Hence him not being on any of the character lists anymore :)

2010-11-25 [Veltzeh]: That too. X)

2010-11-26 [La Luna]: Oooh he's visting his aunts in the rp right?

2010-11-26 [Veltzeh]: [XxTsomexX]: Teena and Endelyn showed each other their powers already. I almost forgot that too, but checked X-Men Hall East 3rd and noticed it there near the middle of the page. :)

2010-11-27 [XxTsomexX]: Crap ok lol

2010-11-28 [MechianRed]: I believe everett was thinking the battle line not saying it out loud.

2010-11-29 [Figgy]: Post thoughts in < i >italics< / i > to avoid confusion.

2010-11-29 [windowframe]: "He said this knowingly" That's a pretty clear indication that he actually spoke the words. <_< The confusing "believed that he thought" stuff after it, is, translated into English 'because he genuinely believed it'. Either that, or someone is messing with his memory and convincing him he had thoughts he actually didn't? <_<

2010-11-29 [MechianRed]: I was looking at the *When Teena floated in the air he thought of all the battle uses for it.* line. the way I read it the *That is awesome and useful in battle unlike mine." He said laughing at his won expense* line was directed at endelyn. my bad.

2010-11-29 [Figgy]: BRRRRRRN

2010-11-29 [XxTsomexX]: O_O ?

2010-11-29 [Veltzeh]: Am I still off or what? X)

2010-12-06 [windowframe]: I killed it dead. <_<

2010-12-06 [Ms. Steel]: *watches tumbleweed drift by*

2010-12-06 [Figgy]: As soon as finals are over, I'mma be bugging the hell out of everyone to post... so be ready.

2010-12-06 [MechianRed]: born ready :).

2010-12-06 [Veltzeh]: I've been waiting for others to post, but I guess I'll just go ahead anyway.

2010-12-06 [Veltzeh]: The only problem is that I can't remember if Erin and Teena met already. >_> I suppose not...

2010-12-06 [windowframe]: They may have briefly been in the same place at the same time before, but I'm pretty sure they haven't actually spoken/been introduced. :)

2010-12-06 [MechianRed]: I'm half tempted to just have my character move on and keep looking. my original plan had him exploring the whole mansion looking for xavier anyways till justin walked out of xaviers office.

2010-12-07 [NinjaBasco]: My computer is broke won't be on for awhile using phone to send this message I am sorry for slowing down the rp

2010-12-09 [XxTsomexX]: I'm just as bad for the moment lol ^^' work is a bitch.

2010-12-13 [Veltzeh]: Is Everett coming?

2010-12-13 [NinjaBasco]: yeah

2010-12-14 [windowframe]: Bach? Elevator music? Everett's been in some posh elevators. :P

2010-12-14 [Flisky]: Ninja is going to exhaust his list of songs in one day.

2010-12-14 [Roma]: If it gets to be too repetitive with the classical, I shall add my .02 cents to at least spice it up for the songs I hear in my head when Everett's walking around. XD

2010-12-14 [NinjaBasco]: I am have a little bit of writers block so I would greatly appreate it if some one could help one way are another.

2010-12-14 [Veltzeh]: [NinjaBasco]: I fixed some big issues in Echo's last post, check out what it was:

2010-12-14 [NinjaBasco]: Thank you [Veltzeh] sorry to be a bother.

2010-12-19 [Figgy]: Danboo, keep in mind there is already another student by the door. though, the player hasn't posted in a while.

2010-12-20 [Danboo]: oh XD, gabe? sorry I did not keep that in mind.. should i happen to notice the other one? or atleast comment about him..

2010-12-20 [Figgy]: Notice and comment, but probably ignore.

2010-12-21 [MechianRed]: i was waiting on an action from xavier. then life got real busy for a little bit. back now.

2010-12-21 [Danboo]: Sweetness.

2010-12-26 [Danboo]: haha, when two absentminded people meet, what will happen, bwahahaha! oh, yeah I probably got some mistakes in there, i need to go make me some coffee and wake up, then proof-read it again awake XP

2010-12-26 [Danboo]: hehe the trick is to say his name or to raise your voice and insto-awareness XD

2010-12-26 [Duredhel]: Right, cuz that's not weird as fuck. specially if she doesn't remember his name.

2010-12-26 [Danboo]: lol, this stems off of something i do, its an old karate habit, not necessarily a good one, but effective.

2011-01-17 [Danboo]: gabe never left?

2011-01-17 [Figgy]: Danboo, Just have Virgil knock at the door, or just walk in. Something. Ignore Gabriel.

2011-01-19 [windowframe]: Long page is loooong. My browser's spell-check can't handle it. Halfway through one paragraph it just gives up and accepts "Korvka" is a legitimate word. X)

2011-01-19 [Roma]: Haha, mine does the same. BTW nice post.

2011-01-20 [Priest Kel]: A thought just occurred to me: how would sex with Strykback work?

2011-01-20 [Flisky]: *rolls laughing*

2011-01-20 [Priest Kel]: That was actually exactly what I was thinking

2011-01-20 [windowframe]: Pretty much. :P

2011-01-20 [Priest Kel]: That would be VERY weird.

2011-01-20 [The Past]: I love that comic series :)

2011-01-21 [Veltzeh]: [Roma]: Psst, it's past, not passed. :o

2011-01-21 [Veltzeh]: ...Or like that. X)

2011-01-21 [Roma]: XD

2011-01-23 [Priest Kel]: I like how just earlier she thought Michael was rude and nasty and now she's waving at him all friendly like and everything

2011-01-23 [Mrs Vicious.]: Probably didnt realise whom it was. *Shrugs*

2011-01-23 [Priest Kel]: Michael's size alone makes him stand out

2011-01-23 [Figgy]: ... Seriously? YOU are in control of your character, so you should know if he/she knows who someone else is! And she probably should have recognized them if she JUST saw them five minutes before.

2011-01-23 [Mrs Vicious.]: I was joking. Sheesh, I should really throw in more smilies or something.

2011-01-24 [Figgy]: Come on, no more dilly dallying! Get these three out to the woods!

2011-01-24 [Roma]: Dilly-dallying, ahaha. My dad says stuff like that and means it. FiggyWin

2011-01-24 [Mrs Vicious.]: After Erin posts, I'll get us out the doors.

2011-01-24 [Figgy]: Roms, I'm totally serious! >:O

Yay, yay!

2011-01-24 [Roma]: Yeah, but what you're really saying is "get the eff out to the woods you slowpokes," not "dilly-dallying." XD

2011-01-24 [Figgy]: Yeeees, the word/phrase means wasting time. :3

2011-01-24 [Roma]: Yes, I know that. Never mind. Joke fail.

2011-01-25 [Figgy]: Go ahead and post Lisa going out to the grounds so Erin can follow. :3

2011-01-25 [Mrs Vicious.]: Will do!

2011-03-08 [Figgy]: Ahem, past tense.

2011-03-09 [Eyelash-Wishes]: oh whoops! Don't usually do that lol

2011-03-09 [Figgy]: ALL of it in past tense. I fixed it for you >.>

2011-03-10 [Veltzeh]: Wait... Xavier isn't a telekinetic. That's why he very often uses (or used) that yellow hoverchair that has Shi'ar technology to keep it aloft.

2011-03-10 [Figgy]: I was kinda thinking Jean would've been a better solution here XD

2011-03-10 [Roma]: But I never know where she's lurking. I'll edit starting backwards. I guess I forgot that the hoverchair was a fancy apparatus and not mindpowered XD

2011-03-10 [Veltzeh]: Jean is a plot device that appears whenever and wherever needed. X)

2011-03-10 [Roma]: Haha, I had her miraculously appear running in from the grounds. XD Jean to the rescue!

Thanks Vel. My bad!

2011-04-14 [Figgy]: Sooo is Endelyn gonna go to the third floor to meet Teena, or is she gonna continue to sit there?

2011-04-14 [Veltzeh]: Now that Kaider is out of the way, I'll have Teena come down. x)

2011-04-16 [XxTsomexX]: I don't know what's going ooon haha isn't the kitchen on the first floor?

2011-04-16 [Figgy]: ... There are two kitchens >.> One on the first floor, one on the third in the east hall.

2011-04-16 [Veltzeh]: And Endelyn has actually been in the third floor one but not the first floor one. ;)

2011-04-16 [XxTsomexX]: Oh XD Gosh. See how messed up I am? Ugh XD haha my bad.

2011-04-16 [Veltzeh]: Well even I only barely remembered it. X) But once I had the feeling I went and checked!

2011-04-16 [XxTsomexX]: Awesome :) I will answer when I get home from work <3

2011-04-28 [Veltzeh]: Will Laurel go to bed by herself?

2011-04-28 [La Luna]: Um I'll make her go to bed if that what your suggesting..?

2011-04-28 [Figgy]: She'll be put to bed anyways shortly :)

2011-04-28 [La Luna]: Oh I just put her to bed if thats okay

2011-05-09 [NinjaBasco]: yay free kitty ride

2011-05-09 [Roma]: Nothing screams romance quite like stalking.

2011-05-09 [Dwarf Ronin]: haha, very funny!

2011-05-11 [NinjaBasco]: Personally I think Endelyn should be a Samurai

2011-05-11 [La Luna]: Haha

2011-05-11 [XxTsomexX]: XD That would defidently suite her. But like a sexy samurai, because that would be better for her, since she's not used to the costume thing, you can get her to wear almost anything.

2011-05-11 [La Luna]: Yay, now its up to Laurel and Addy!

2011-05-11 [XxTsomexX]: And Teena :P

2011-05-12 [La Luna]: AND TEENA!

2011-06-01 [XxTsomexX]: I'm waiting on Nikoli to answer XD

2011-06-01 [Veltzeh]: It'll probably take a rather long time...

2011-06-01 [Figgy]: If he hasn't answered by the time I get home from work, Dur or I will take him back to his room.

2011-06-01 [XxTsomexX]: OK :)

2011-06-01 [Duredhel]: Yeah if anyone has characters interacting with any of Basco's, Twitch's, Arctic or Kel's characters, I recommend you move along. All those chars will be stashed away in their rooms this afternoon due to lack of posting :> (or, in Kel's case, express request of the player).

2011-06-01 [XxTsomexX]: Done and done.

2011-06-01 [Roma]: XD XD

2011-06-01 [Duredhel]: People should learn not to abandon their charas without telling the GM at least >,>

2011-06-07 [Lepellier]: Hey Val...Did you post your character even coming into the mansion from the grounds?

2011-06-07 [AccountUnavaili able]: Erm, I didn't, thought it would be too short a post?

2011-06-07 [Lepellier]: Just throw something up there. It's easier to clarify that he followed Nathan in, or whatever, just so it's clear that he's not just out there any more, doing nothing. :D

2011-06-07 [AccountUnavaili able]: Lol, ok sure :)

2011-06-07 [AccountUnavaili able]: So, would we head to Xaviers office or stand around waiting?

2011-06-07 [Lepellier]: Well, since we're new, I'm going to assume someone is going to come down and show us the ropes. :D

2011-06-07 [AccountUnavaili able]: Hopefully, lest be we be permanently fixated there :P

2011-06-07 [Veltzeh]: Well, it will go faster if the characters make it to Xavier's office on their own. X)

2011-06-07 [La Luna]: Maggie's to lazy to go back so she'll be your guide..if that's what you'd call it xP

2011-06-10 [Duredhel]: ....
Personality: Magnolia is scared of becoming close to people. She doesn't like to get close to people by chance of her killing them. When you crack her thick shell, which is a feat in its self, you'll find she's sarcastic, funny, nice and sweet. No one has ever been able to get through to her. If she feels like she's getting close to you she will pull away and not talk to you for a while.

Something is askew :/
Guys, if you're not able to RP a certain type of character, don't make that type of character ><

2011-06-11 [La Luna]: I know :/ I'm working on it.

2011-06-13 [Figgy]: IN which, not of which. :)

2011-06-19 [AccountUnavaili able]: *cough* devoid of life? :P

2011-06-19 [Figgy]: Lucas is there.. :>

2011-06-19 [Duredhel]: isn't Justin there too? Lucas could always intercept Flame & Korvka if they didn't notice him, seeing as how Valera is online.

2011-06-22 [Figgy]: Lep, go ahead and post here if you'd like.

2011-06-22 [Lepellier]: I was kinda waiting on Addy's response, but I'll go ahead.

2011-06-22 [Figgy]: Technically, it was Twitch's turn to post with Justin, then your's, then Flisk's with Addy. If you want someone to post before you, let them know or nothing will happen.

2011-06-22 [twitchboy]: just pass me by i dont see an opportunity to add something meaningful at the moment

2011-06-23 [AccountUnavaili able]: Just waiting for Flisk to post then Lucas will respond.

2011-06-25 [Veltzeh]: People currently in the hall: Adrienne, Justin, Nathan, Lucas, Teena.

2011-06-25 [Rice]: Death the Kidd...amazing!

2011-06-26 [Lepellier]: Yup, that'd be him, Vel. :D

2011-06-27 [La Luna]: Who's turn is it? I'm lost.

2011-06-27 [XxTsomexX]: Teena or Nathan I believe

2011-06-27 [La Luna]: Oh, What about Justin...?

2011-06-27 [XxTsomexX]: Him too XD or Vlad

2011-06-27 [Roma]: -edit- Roma's a moron

2011-06-27 [Veltzeh]: People currently in the hall: Adrienne, Justin, Nathan, Lucas, Teena, Endelyn, Laurel, Valerie, Vlad.

2011-06-27 [Veltzeh]: And now only Justin.

2012-01-02 [La Luna]: Way to reassure the girl with the phobia >.>

2012-01-02 [Lepellier]: What? At least he's realistic.

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